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Q: What if your bones and muscles grow larger as a result of?
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Do your bones and muscles grow larger as a result of direct development?


How can cell division result in growth of bones and repair of muscles?

Your bones can not grow, that is why we have cell division. Cell division repairs muscles, because damaged cells are replaced with better ones.

What grows first puberty muscles or bones?

Bone grow first, as it develops your height, then your muscle.

How can you make your hips larger?

You can exercise and make your hips grow more muscles. Eat a diet with enough protein to help the muscles grow.

What is the easiest natural way to grow muscles?

Exercise is the natural way to "grow" muscles, though there is no growing actually involved. If you want larger, better defined muscles, you work out.

Do you lose fat as you grow?

No , but you gain more fat as you need to eat more and you aren't active either. But as you grow you need more muscles(the muscles to move your bones).

What is a 8 letter word that starts with an E that helps muscles and bones grow?


Does biking make your thigh muscles larger?

Yes. But it means you would have to bike a lot. Thigh muscles grow larger with time, so you need patience.

What tissue attaches bones and muscles to the bone?

Connective tissue is one which is rich in intercellular substance or interlacing processes with little tendency for the cells to come together in sheets or masses. Tendon and ligament are the connective tissue that connect bone to bone and muscles to bones.

What is completely replaced every decade?

The answer to this question is your Skeleton, this is how your bones grow larger or shrink

What is a eight letter word that starts with a e and ends with an e that helps muscles and bones grow?


Does a bone move?

No. Bones cannot move, they can only grow. Bones are sort of like a frame - and the muscle fills it in. The muscles are what move - a bone cannot.