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this is not normal. are you sure they aren't just her molars? go see your dentist they will xray her mouth and tell you what to do

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Q: What if your daughter is 4 and her wisdom teeth are coming tho is this normal?
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Is it normal for wisdom teeth to erupt as early as during middle school?

Its not that common but it does happen. I myself and my daughter got our wisdom teeth at 12/13 years old, the normal time to get them is 17/21 years of age but you can get them earlier or later than that.

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How many wisdom teech are in a normal human?

There are four wisdom teeth in a normal human being. Wisdom teeth are the very last four teeth that grow. They grow at the very end of the jaw - two upper and two lower. Wisdom teeth start appearing in the teens. Wisdom teeth can also appear towards the end of teenage. If there is no space in the jaw for the teeth to come out, then these are removed.

When do kids get their wisdom teeth?

they can and they don't some kid have there mouth grow faster and the wisdom teeth come but some kids there'sgrow slowly so the possibly answer is yes and nothe girl with wisdom teeth at 6

Does your temperature increase when wisdom teeth are coming out?

Not unless you are infected.

Can wisdom teeth start coming at age 12?


Is it normal to have to have your wisdom teeth removed when your 15 and there almost formed?

It is quite common to have wisdom teeth removed anywhere from 15 to 30.

Can erupting wisdom teeth cause pain in neighboring tooth?

Yes, wisdom teeth coming in can cause headaches and soar throats too.

How many adult teeth do humans have?

The normal complement of teeth in adult humans (including wisdom teeth) is 32. Some people do not get wisdom teeth (3rd molars) and their normal dentition is 28.

When your wisdom teeth are coming through can all your teeth be sore?

It's highly possible. As the Wisdom Teeth are joined to your jaw the pain can feel like it's running through all your teeth.

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Can wisdom teeth start coming in at age 6?

no possible way