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Listen don't screw around with something your Doctor is warning you about, he/she is right. MSRA is a variant of the Staph virus. This variant is very hard to fight and is showing signs of being antibiotic resistant to almost every know antibiotic used to fight staph. So when you Doctor tells you no, he/she means NO! We are talking about your life, not just getting really sick and almost dying, actual dying.

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Q: What if your doctor says your still at risk for strep to your heart murmur if you get your lip pierced should you still do it if you clean it daily and aret around dirty area?
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Should i get my lip pierced if i have a heart murmur?

Well a heart murmur is just that a murmur, it's not a big issue other than the fact your heart jumps a little now and again. If you are younger then this is almost common during the growth spurts in one's teen years and will settle down. If you want your lip pierced, talk to your doctor and see what he/she says about it. Then go from there.

If your doctor says your still at risk if you get you lip pierced for hear murmur should you get it?

Listen don't screw around with something your Doctor is warning you about, he/she is right. MSRA is a variant of the Staph virus. This variant is very hard to fight and is showing signs of being antibiotic resistant to almost every know antibiotic used to fight staph. So when you Doctor tells you no, he/she means NO! We are talking about your life, not just getting really sick and almost dying, actual dying.

Could you die if you have heart murmur and get your belly button pierced?

Yes you can, a murmur is just an irregular heart rhythm that doesn't effect your physical activity. Thousands of younger people have murmurs and don't even know it and generally as you get older the murmur will disappear. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned, but as long as you are relaxed and listen to the Professional body piercer who will be doing the piercing you should be just fine. By the way it's "navel piercing", "navel ring" not "belly ring", "belly piercing", if you want it done better know what it's correctly called.

Is it all right to have blood around your tongue piercing?

I don't have my tongue pierced but im guessing that its probably ok. You should asked the person that pierced it.

Is your nose supposed to be numb after getting it pierced?

No. They must have hit a nerve when they pierced it. You should get it looked at by your doctor, just in case they also nicked a blood vessel or the piercing may be blocking circulation. Best of luck!

Is there a cure for heart murmur?

A heart murmur is a condition where blood flow taking place across the heart valve is loud enough to be audible without a stethoscope. They are often harmless, or they can be symptoms of another condition, in which case they'd be treated according to that condition.

How old should you be to get your bellybutton pierced?

NEVER get your belly button pierced!

What danger are you in just found a murmur and a anurism in the main aorta?

Depends on size, growth, localisation of the aneurysm and other factors as well. This is certainly a question you should directly ask the doctor who diagnosed the aneurysm.

What should you use to help heal a part of your body that has been cut or pierced by a rusty piece of metal?

You can do two things: 1. go to a doctor and get a tetanus injection or 2. go to a doctor and get a tetanus injection

Should you get your rook pierced on left or right ear I have my lobes pierced and 2 middle ear piercings on right ear?

AnswerYou should get your rook pierced on the left ear.

Where do i find out more information on a heart murmur?

To find out what a heart murmur is check out this site -. This should give you the information about symptoms that you need.

Where should you get your lip pierced?

On your lip...