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The pet store spoiled it.

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Q: What if your guinea pig female is a very picky eater why is this?
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What are the adaptations and behaviors of a goliath frog?

The male goliath frog builds a nest of rocks and gravel for the female to lay her eggs. They are also picky eaters so there are very few of them and they are only found in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.

Does a male guinea pig kill babies?

it is very uncommon that females fight, its mostly males that fight. if your female guinea pigs are fighting, separate them as they will fight until the other backes down or gets seriusly injerd. guinea pigs are herd animals which mean's they like the company. resons why your female guinea pigs might fight: 1) there finding the domanant female 2) the one female guinea pig is pregnent or has babys 3) one of the guinea pigs may be tretaning the other 4) one guinea pig may have never seen or met another guinea pig, so it could be scared 5) the guine pig is hurt and wants nothing to do with other guinea pigs 6) if the guinea pig is meen to you it is likely it wont like other guinea pigs 7)if the guinea pig is new and scared it may neglect or fight the other guinea pig 8) bad experiances with guinea pigs or animals 9) if there are already a pair of females and you put a third in, they may gang up on the other and seriusly hurt or kill it. hope i helped, thank you

Is it ok to house to female guinea pigs together because i have a girl guinea pig named Gizmo because my male just died. my mom said i could get another female soon. should i get her right away HELP?

I think you should get another female because you don't want UNWANTED LITTERS!! Female and female would be less likely to fight. Male and male would be most likely to fight. IF you get female and male, just make sure one of them is spayed or neutered.I don't approve of breeding guinea pigs because it is very hard to find them good homes. Most end up being put down in shelters. YOUR CHOICE

Can a guinea pig be pregnant even when they're young?

They can be pregnant but it is not fair for a baby guinea pig to have to hold up to 8 guinea pigs. There is a very high chance they will die. I had a guinea pig that was pregnant when I got her(she was 14 weeks when she had babies) and she had 2 babies and tey all survived.

Why is my guinea pig girl always growling and walking slowly and vibrating when she is around her roommate?

If your female Guinea Pig is with a male roomate it is very possible she is pregnant. Even if the people at the pet store told you they are both female they are often wrong and often lie to get rid of the things. If she starts getting aggressive towards the other you may want to separate them.

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Can you put the word picky in a sentence?

Yes, the writer of this answer is capable of putting "picky" in a sentence, as evidenced by the following: "Harold Hamsworth is a very picky eater. He will only eat ham that has ben prepared on Wednesdays."

What is a temperament of a female guinea pig?

Female guinea pigs are very shy, sweet, polite (in a sense), and feminine

Do the male or female guinea pigs have the babies?

Like most mammals and other animals, the female guinea pig gives birth. Although, similar to a human, a male is needed to impregnate the female. Female guinea pigs can have litters of pups that very from one to eight in number.

What is a sentence for picky?

She was very picky about what she ate, so she looked at all of the option on the menu.

Is it OK to house a female guinea pig with two male guinea pig because your other girl sadly died around six months ago?

While male guinea pigs can and do get along quite well if proper housing space is provided, they can almost never get along if there's a female involved. Keep your female away from males or they will fight and she will get pregnant. Pregnancy can be very dangerous for female guinea pigs.

Is it healthy for an eleven yr old to not eat any type of meat she is a very picky eater?

She should eat some meats because she needs the protein in meat. Otherwise, she'll need another protein supplement.

How can you tell what a female guinea pig sex parts look like?

well i have 2 guinea pigs. their names are Sandie and Bob. At a very young age I fell In love with Guinea Pigs, they just facinated me. On the private part of the female, you will see a Y. On a male the letter would be an X.

Can you put a baby female with your male 6 month old guinea pig?

No. The male may be very aggressive and may injure the female even if she is fertile.

How old is mating age for female guinea pig?

Female guinea pigs sexually mature very early. They can actually begin to reproduce at 3 to 4 weeks of age. Pregnancy is especially hard on a guinea pig, but even more so at this age. It is usually recommended that you do not allow your guinea pig to breed, but if you are going to, wait until they are at least 7 months of age to allow them in with a male.

How fat could your guinea pig get?

Guinea pigs that are fed a rich diet can get very fat, but this is pretty unusual. Guinea pigs are, by nature, grazing animals, which means they will eat regularly throughout the day, usually without over-eating.If you have a very fat female guinea pig, that has had contact with a male, chances are high that she's pregnant.

Are the Jonas brothers picky?

no actually none of the boys are picky though they do like the stage to prefection I've never once seen a Jonas be picky they're very reasonable and will ask if something can be changed if not its fine by them so no thy are not picky

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