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go to the doctor. the bloods not flowing to you finger.

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Q: What if your index finger is turning blue and very numb what is wrong?
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If your finger is swelled and gone a greenish blue color what is wrong with it?

it might be infected

What does it mean if your hands are cold muscles ache and finger tips are turning blue?

it means that you are going into hypherthermeact

What is the name of the blue thing on the keyboard of laptop computers that controls the mouse?

it is another way to move the cursor on your computer. Put your index finger on it, and move your finger around to use it.

Why would index finger on left hand turn blue and numb?

because you may have a deep infection and it may need amputation depepending on how bad the in fection is

Can you show a pic of Artemis Fowl?

He looks slender, with dark hair, pale skin, and piercing blue eyes until "The Lost Colony" when he switches an eye with Holly and has one blue and one hazel eye. He also switches his his index finger with his middle finger in "The Lost Colony."

Does Sears carry blue mobile phones?

Everyone carries blue mobile phones. Even E.T. If you don't believe me, have a look at the movie. You think that's his finger glowing? Nope, you'd be wrong.

Why is the blue turning your nails blue?

Blue nail polish or certain types of dyes in fabric or hair color can transfer onto the nail plate, resulting in a blue tint. It is important to use a base coat before applying colored nail polish to help prevent staining. Additionally, ensuring nails are clean and dry before applying any pigmented products can help reduce the risk of discoloration.

What color of light has the highest refractive index?

The refractive index is inversely proportional to the wavelength, so the shorter the wavelength (the higher the frequency, or the more "blue" the light) the higher the refractive index. Conversely, the longer the wavelength (the lower the frequency, or the more "red" the light), the lower the refractive index. Therefore as wavelength of blue in less the refractive index will be maximum. For more information, follow the related link below.

What cause fingers to go blue?

What cause finger to turn blue

Why is your ring turning your finger blue?

Maybe because either it is not real silver (in which case the ring would start to turn a coppery colour after a while) or because you are allergic to the metal. Or it could be that it's too tight. My gold ring (I am not allergic to gold) is starting to leave a blue mark on my finger, but I think it's just because the ring is a bit too tight.

What color should you paint your nails for when you go back to school?

Black or Lime Green. :D I think Pink and Lime Green because those colours look nice together and you can make your nails look like a lollypop

You had a blue jay perch on your finger?

Good for you!