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  • You need to seek legal advice as there is a Statute of Limitations on two people being separated. You also have the right to file for divorce and do not have to wait for the other person to file.
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Q: What if your spouse won't divorce after being separated for twelve years?
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Does time of separation affect a divorce?

Legal Separation and Divorce are two different entities. The amount of time that you are legally separated from your spouse does not necessarily affect the divorce proceeding in the sense that you are not divorced after a certain amount of time being separated but it can help with the separation of assets. By this I mean that during the time you are legally separated that is when the economic community ends.

You have been separate from your spouse for ten years how long will a divorce take to go through?

As it sounds like you already now, it does not matter how long you are separated from your spouse you need to file for divorce in order to be divorced. That being said, after being separated for so long, some elements of the divorce will be easier (the financial aspect, the fact that you both want to get divorced) but if yours is a situation that has complicated finances, children, or alimony then it could still take some time.

What are the rules for being separated from your spouse?

When being separated, is it a bad thing to talk on the phone or even go places together? Whether you are sure to stay separated or not.

Can your spouse contest the divorce after 30 days of being served divorce papers?

Your spouse can contest the divorce at any point that they want to. They cannot force you to stay married to them so it only drags it out if they contest it.

I have been separated from my spouse for 30 months and I have no children with her and no property to split but she wont sign divorce papers what do I do?

You should seek legal advice and file divorce papers against her. Your lawyer will draw up papers stating why you are filing for divorce. In most States a divorce would be granted for several reasons, one being 'alienation.'

When being serviced in a divorce and you can not find the spouse does the document expire?

Yes and no. You should do everything you can to try to locate the spouse you are trying to get a divorce from. But if you cannot find him or her then you can still get a divorce. Known as a default divorce, the court will grant the divorce once you should that service was not possible. You should not wait or assume that it is not possible without the other spouse because that is simply not the case.

If your spouse is being sued what can you do as the innocent spouse to protect yourself and your children financially excluding divorce?

It depends on the crime, where you were when your spouse did whatever he/she did, and whether you have an allabi. GET A LAWYER

How do you divorce someone when you have no idea where they are?

In situations where a spouse cannot be located or being unresponsive during the divorce process (common when one spouse does not want to go through with the proceeding) you can still get divorced. Attempt to reach your spouse in order to serve the appropriate papers and when the court is satisfied that the service was not possible a default divorce entry will be entered against your spouse.

Is it adultery if you sleep with someone else while legally separated?

Legally separated generally means you are still legally married but living apart. In the eyes of the law, adultery can still occur during a legal separation because the marriage is still legally recognized. It is advisable to check the specific laws in your jurisdiction.

Can your husband or spouse take your green card away from you if you have been unfaithful?

Not exactly. Being unfaithful is grounds for divorce, and if they divorce you then you could lose it.

Can a Jehovah's Witness remarry after being separated for a year?

Separated? -- NO. Divorced? -- Depends. Depends if it's a 'scriptural' divorce or not. And then the 'scriptural' divorce needs to be legally handled; before any other dating or courtship can resume .

How do you prevent spouse from moving after divorce?

You can't. You can only prevent any children from being moved.