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No. You are not a vampire. Vampires do not exist. If your teeth are growing up sharp, you should probably go see your dentist.

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Q: What if your teeth are growing long sharp and like upper canines am i a vampire?
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Which human teeth is adapted to bite large pieces of meat?

The canines are adapted to bite into and tear apart large pieces of meat. They are sharp, pointed teeth located on either side of the incisors.

If my sharp teeth at the sides of my mouth start feeling sore and sort of like they are going to start growing what does it mean?

If your sharp teeth (the canines)at the sides of your mouth are sore and feels as though they are going to start growing, it means that you have mouth ulcers.

What is a vampire bat teeth?

vampire bats have sharp teeth

What type of teeth do carnivor's have?

sharp ones carnivores have teeth called canines

Which teeth do vampire fangs go on?

the canines. (most legends have the teeth being on the eye teeth)

Do omnivores have sharp teeth like carnivores or flat teeth like herbivore?

Omnivores have both.They have sharp canines

Do omnivores have sharp teeth like carnivores or flat teeth like herbivores?

Omnivores have both.They have sharp canines

What do the bicuspids do?

The bicuspid teeth are the ones that are generally just behind the really sharp, vampire-looking teeth called the "canines". The bicuspids are the best teeth in the body for breaking hard objects like nuts. While the sharp incisors are used to cut food, and the canines are for tearing meats, and the molars are build for grinding and most chewing, the bicuspids are sort of in the middle of the road.

What do bicupids do?

The bicuspid teeth are the ones that are generally just behind the really sharp, vampire-looking teeth called the "canines". The bicuspids are the best teeth in the body for breaking hard objects like nuts. While the sharp incisors are used to cut food, and the canines are for tearing meats, and the molars are build for grinding and most chewing, the bicuspids are sort of in the middle of the road.

How many sharp teeth does a mammal have?

four which are called canines.

What kind of tooth is cainines?

your canines are the most sharp teeth

What sort of teeth do lions have?

Lions have molars and sharp canines.