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Q: What illnesses can a person have from being exposed constantly with human fesces?
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When a person dies, all their muscles cease to function. This includes those muscles used to retain urine and fesces - the rest is self explanatory.

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hi can you please help write this please, choose the illnesses you are going to write about and know of that can spread from person to person? whats some illnesses that you or some one you know have had? what illnesses you have learned about recently

What is a malingerer?

A person who pretends to be sick or exaggerates illnesses or pains.

What stage is when a person is exposed to a disease by doesn't show symptoms?

During the incubation period a person is exposed to a disease may not show symptoms

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When you constantly think of the person. When you wish to be around the person.

If a person is sleeping and if any culprit gives chloroform to that person then is there any way that after getting up a person will come to know that he was exposed to chloroform?

No he/she would not know that they had been exposed to the chemical.

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Diseases passed from person to person through the air or by contact are .?

They can cause many different illnesses.

If in a sleep if a person is given chloroform and after getting up can a person will come to know that he was exposed to chloroform?

No. No, i believe that the person would not know that they were exposed to choroform, but do indeed remember what had happened had they woken up.

Is mental disease is transferable?

Mental illnesses are not contageous, that is they cannot be spread from one person to another. Some mental illnesses have a genetic component which may be passed on in families.

Who is the youngest person?

The youngest person would constantly be changing as it would be the newest born person.