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Q: What impact did Christopher culombus exploration have in the new world?
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How did the world benefit Christopher from his exploration?

the world benefit him a lot because he found a new continent

What impact did Christopher Columbus have on Canada?

Christopher Columbus did not have an impact on Canada, BUT he did make an impact to america by opening the way to the new world .

Christopher Columbus never discovered what in the new world?

A route to Asia, which was the purpose of his exploration.

How did Queen Isabella of castile help the exploration?

Queen Isabella of Castile helped the exploration of the world by financing many exploration expeditions. She actually financed the voyages of Christopher Columbus who later discovered the New World.

Christopher Columbus impact today?

Christopher Columbus impact today can be seen through the various continents. He is the one who is credited with the discovery of the New World.

What was Christopher Colunbus's adult life?

As an adult, Christopher Columbus became interested in exploration and began to promote the idea of sailing west to reach Asia. He made multiple journeys across the Atlantic Ocean, ultimately stumbling upon the Caribbean islands and the American continents. His voyages had a lasting impact on world history and led to increased European exploration and colonization of the Americas.

How did Christopher Colubus impact the world?

He made history he found the new land

What was the impact of early European exploration?

The first major impact of the exploration of the New World was due to the early start Spain had in its exploration of the New World. Spanish conquistadors and explorers defeated Native American Tribes and with that came the shipping of gold back to Spain. This led to the submission of the Inca & Aztec Tribal empires.

What happened as a result of Columbus coming to the American continents?

Christopher Columbus discovered several islands, opened up trade between the New and Old worlds, and encouraged exploration of the New World. The Columbian Exchange

What countries was discovered during the exploration of the Renaissance?

The americas and the caribbean were discovered by christopher columbus, also known as "The New World"

Where did Christopher Columbus do his exploration?

He found the 'new world' (America) whilst on a search for a quicker way round to the East. (India)x

How did ponce de leon exploration affect the world BOTH positive and negative?

his negative impact was that he killed many Native Americans