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they can get a job in a factory, which means money

Goods are cheaper

More food


Poor work conditions

Dangerous jobs in factory

All moved to city causing overcrowding, and illnesses (quicker death)

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1mo ago

Industrialization led to the growth of a middle class as well as wider disparities between the wealthy and the poor. It created opportunities for social mobility for some, while entrenching poverty for others who were unable to adapt to the changing economy. Overall, it exacerbated social inequality by widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

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Q: What impact did industrialization have on social class and social inequality?
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What are the consequence of social class?

Social class can impact an individual's access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. It can also affect one's social networks, sense of identity, and mental health. Inequality between social classes can lead to social tension, discrimination, and limited social mobility.

How does the family perpetuate social inequality with regard to class gender and race?

Families can perpetuate social inequality by passing down wealth and opportunities to their children, reinforcing class divisions. Gender inequality can also be perpetuated through traditional gender roles and expectations passed down within families. Additionally, families can perpetuate racial inequality through the transmission of discriminatory beliefs and practices.

What view reflects social-conflict theorists' ideas about social stratification?

Social inequality reflects the social-conflict theorists ideas about social stratification.

What is the scope of socialogy in medical?

Sociology in medicine examines how social factors influence health and healthcare delivery. It explores how issues like social class, racism, gender, and inequality impact health outcomes, patient experiences, and healthcare access. Sociologists in medicine often study healthcare disparities, patient-provider relationships, and the impact of social policies on health.

Why is a social class important?

Social class is important because it can impact individuals' access to resources, opportunities, and privilege within society. It can influence their lifestyle, education, employment opportunities, and overall quality of life. Understanding social class helps us analyze and address issues related to inequality, social mobility, and social justice.

Related questions

What social class expanded a result of industrialization?

The middle class

What social class expanded as a result of Industrialization?

The middle class

What is the social problem that Swift is proposing to solve?

Social class inequality

How did industrialization impact the lives of the working class?

Industrialization generally improved the earnings of the working class, thus increasing their spending power. However, industrialization also led to the working class working longer and longer hours in poor conditions.

What impact did industrialization have on the working class?

Industrialization led many working class people to move to large cities. Many of them worked in dangerous conditions in factories and mines.

What processes resulted from the growth of manufacturing during the Industrial Revolution?


What are the consequence of social class?

Social class can impact an individual's access to resources such as education, healthcare, and job opportunities. It can also affect one's social networks, sense of identity, and mental health. Inequality between social classes can lead to social tension, discrimination, and limited social mobility.

The social criticism of Charles Dicken's novels Hard Times and David Copperfield was a response to conditions brought by?

The social criticism in Charles Dickens' novels Hard Times and David Copperfield was a response to the negative effects of industrialization, urbanization, and economic inequality that characterized Victorian society. Dickens used his works to highlight the harsh living and working conditions of the working class, the exploitative nature of the social system, and the impact of industrial capitalism on human relationships and morality.

Which social problem does swift most strongly address in his proposal?


How does the family perpetuate social inequality with regard to class gender and race?

Families can perpetuate social inequality by passing down wealth and opportunities to their children, reinforcing class divisions. Gender inequality can also be perpetuated through traditional gender roles and expectations passed down within families. Additionally, families can perpetuate racial inequality through the transmission of discriminatory beliefs and practices.

What view reflects social-conflict theorists' ideas about social stratification?

Social inequality reflects the social-conflict theorists ideas about social stratification.

How did the industrialization change the social class structure?

The lower-class work in factories.... middle-class were merchants and doctors and stuff............. and the rich were mostly political leaders