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Q: What impact did women have on Odysseus?
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How did Poseidon have an impact on Odysseus?

Poseidon hated Odysseus. He tried to delay Odysseus' homecoming. Poseidon hated him because Odysseus blinded one of his Polythemous.

What three women help Odysseus on his journey?

Circe, Calypso, Ino, and Nausicaa help Odysseus. Athena helps Odysseus as well.

What does odysseus learn from Agamemnon?

not to trust women

Who are the women from the Odyssey?

I believe you are referring to the sirens. They sirens are women Odysseus stumbles upon on his journey who sexually lure Odysseus and distract him from his ultimate goal.

What women tempted Odysseus?

Odysseus had relations with both Circe and Calypso, as well as his wife Penelope.

What vulnerability did Odysseus have?

His vulnerability, as far as I know, is immortal women.

What Odysseus determined to do and what temptation does he resist?

Odysseus is determined to be faithful to his wife Penelope, and he resists killing, other women, etc.

How do the two women keep Odysseus on their islands?

Circe keeps Odysseus on her island for a year by providing a good life style for Odysseus and his men, including Odysseus lying with her. Calypso also lies with Odysseus, although she keeps him on her island passively by not helping him escape.

What two women detained Odysseus during his journey?

They were Circe and Kalypso.

Who were the Cicones?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus and his men went to the land of The Cicones, robbed it, and took women captive. One of his men raped one of the women in the Temple of Athena.The Cicones were the first people Odysseus came across after leaving Troy. Initially Odysseus and his crew plundered women and booty from the Cicones, but afterwards the Cicones fought back and forced Odysseus and his crew to flee, after they had lost 6 men from each ship.

Why did Odysseus scare the women when he first crept out of the bushes?

Odysseus has been gone for 10 years when he reappears. He scare the women because he looks like a bum or homeless person instead of the royalty that he is supposed to be.

Does women's rights impact male homosexuality?

No. Women's rights impact every person on the planet (gay, straight, or anything else), but they do not impact sexual orientations.