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Prior to the Black Death, many countries were over populated. The plague killed many people, obviously, and this helped alleviate the overpopulation. The smaller amount of people helped with the lack of food (caused by a 'mini ice age' ) and also helped workers get into guilds and gave them the ability to demand better pay. Also, it created an obsession with death that can be seen in art and literature. Religiously, many people turned to a severe form of asceticism, and became flagellants. They punished themselves for the sins of themselves and society.

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Q: What impact the black death have on civilization in europe?
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How did population density in Europe impact the spread of the black death?

Black Death killed 75 to 200 million people. Around 30-60% or total population.

What were the death rates of the Black Death plaque in Europe as a whole?

The Black Death pandemic in Europe during the 14th century is estimated to have resulted in a death rate of approximately 30-50% of the population. This devastating plague caused widespread death and had a profound impact on European society and the economy.

Where did the black death have the most impact?

Specifically the poor side of towns.

Where in Europe did the Black Death Affect?

The Black Plague or Death affected all of Europe in 1347 to 1351.

When did black death disappear from Europe?

The black death disappeared from Europe about 150-400 years after it began.

How did the Black Death affect the economy?

Black Death almost killed half of Europe's population. It broke Europe economically and socially.

What years did the Black Death sweep through Europe?

Black Death Plague swept death. In Europe at 1346 to 1353.

How did the Black Death affect the European economy?

Black Death almost killed half of Europe's population. It broke Europe economically and socially.

What impact did the black death have on eroupe?

it had an impact on the population growth

Who had the black death?

black death spread in Europe. black death killed 75 to 200 million people.

Where did the black death arrive?

The black death started around 1437 in Europe.

What country did most people die in during the black death?

Black death struck in Africa, Asia, and Europe.