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orient with respect to gravity

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Q: What impact would a statocyst that does not function have on an earthworm?
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What impacts would a nonfunctioning statocyst have on an earthworm?

orient with a sense of gravity

What animal would be a 1 decimeter long a earthworm or a fox?

An earthworm.

Which Earthworm species is used as fishing bait?

the type of earthworm you would use in fishing would be tapeworm

What would be the impact on computing devices if you will not use the standard protocol?

failure to function

Why would you expect an earthworm to lack an exoskeleton?

Earthworms belong to the phylum Annelida, which are characterized by having soft, flexible bodies. Unlike organisms with exoskeletons, such as insects or crustaceans, earthworms have a hydrostatic skeleton that allows them to move and burrow through soil efficiently. The lack of a hard outer covering like an exoskeleton enables earthworms to navigate through narrow spaces and absorb nutrients through their skin.

Is a roundworm part of the earthworm family?

no. the roundworm would a nematode. an earthworm is part of the annelid family, because it is a segmented worm.

What worm has a chamber for storing food?

That would be the earthworm.....:)

What is another hermaphrodite?

A 'typical' hermaphrodite would be an earthworm.

Would a earthworm eat a 3 leaf clover?

An earthworm could only eat a somewhat decomposed three leaf clover having remnants imbedded in the soil through which the earthworm burrows.

Which two organisms would most likely have the least similar nucleotide sequences in a given gene?

alligator and earthworm

Where would you find a 2.1m long earthworm?

I think in southamerica

Function of septa in earthworm?

I believe they thin, membranous separations in between the earthworm segments. Functions would include structure within segments, and the connectivity of the skin and internal organs