

What impacts did Alexander the Great have on other people?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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He particurally mixed the culture and technology of Egypt Greek MAcedonia and Persia

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Q: What impacts did Alexander the Great have on other people?
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Alexander the greats achievements were conquering other lands and to have war

What were Alexander's great achievements?

Alexander the greats achievements were conquering other lands and to have war

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Your question cannot be answered because you did not put the last name of the person you are asking about in your question, or some other identifying information, so that people will understand who you are asking about. Many people are named Alexander. If you mean Alexander the Great, please say that in your question.

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Aristotle was a student of Plato and a teacher of Alexander the Great. It may also be noted here that Plato had many other students, Alexander had other teachers and Aristotle was a teacher to many others also.

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One of Alexander the Great's friends was Callisthenes, a relative of Aristotle. Some of his other long-time friends were Hephaestion, Cassander, and Ptolemy, who all served as generals in Alexander the Great's army.

Did Alexander the Great harm or helped people?

Alexander the Great's impact on people varied. He brought stability and prosperity to some regions through his conquests, spreading Hellenistic culture and facilitating trade. However, his campaigns also caused significant destruction and loss of life, particularly in cities that resisted his rule. Overall, his legacy is complex and includes both positive and negative consequences for the people affected by his actions.

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. Other religions influenced the Egyptians as the Egyptians ewere conquered by different people like Alexander the Great brought Greek Influences.

Who is the girl friend of Alexander the great?

According to this site, Alexander the Great had at least 2 wives: One is Roxane, the other is Statira. By the way, Alexander the Great seems to be bisexual since he had another male lover Hephaestion