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the nutritional modes they employ

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Q: What important criterion was used in the late 1960s to distinguish between the three multicellular eukaryotic kingdoms of five-kingdom classification system?
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Are all aninmals multicellular?

Yes. By definition, an animal is eukaryotic and multicellular.

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Which kingdom consist only of complex multicellular eukaryotic organisms which?

Animalia is the kingdom that consists only of complex multicellular eukaryotic organisms.

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Are grapes eukaryotic or prokaryotic

Members of this kingdom are multicellular, eukaryotic autotrophs that also carry out the process of photosynthesis.?


Which type of cells did multicellular organisms arise?

Eukaryotic cells

What are charaeristics of the kingdom plantae?

characteristics of kingdom animalia are they are hereratrophs, they do not have any cell walls they have eukaryotic cells, and they are multicellular. what does it really matter anyway leave off u smart ppl.

What type of cell are all multicellular organisms made of?

Multicellular organisms are made of eukaryotic cells, which are defined by the presence of a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells are more complex than prokaryotic cells, which lack a nucleus.

Are sea urchins eukaryotic or prokaryotic?

Eukaryotic. Virtually every multicellular organism is eukaryotic. Prokaryotes are mostly single-celled bacteria.

What types of cells can be found in both multicellular and single celled organisms?

Eukaryotic cells can be found in both multicellular and single celled organisms. A eukaryotic is an organism that has a nucleus.