

Best Answer

1. Suspended solids

2. Colloidal solids (nonsettleable solids) - Do not dissolve in water

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Q: What impurities do you find in river water?
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What kind of impurities remain in river water?

The kinds of impurities that remain in river water include many types of bacteria and heavy metals.

What kind of impurities are found in river water?


What are the functions of a waste water treatment plant?

to treat the water with impurities before they return it back yo the river or sea.

Why does a river turn orange that flows from the mountain?

Impurities in the rocks and erosion usually add a color to the water

How does river water get cleaned?

A river gets cleaned by the process similar to wwtp.In the middle coarse of the river it's speed is slow hence all the suspended impurities setttle at the bottom and the water that reaches the sea is clean.

Why is rain water free of impurities?

rain water doesnt have the salt of salt water

Why distilled water?

To have water with no impurities.


Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

Is water a good a conductor?

Distilled water is a bad conductor. Dirty water, or water with impurities added, is a good conductor. It is not the water that matters, but the impurities.

Where would you find slow water from a river?

You find slow water in a river where it is deep and/or wide and the land is relatively flat.

How do oceans get their chemical composition?

Impurities in water are from dissolved rocks an minerals, river deposits, absorbed gases, degraded materials fron living beings.

How is a river a type of freshwater?

Rivers get their water from the rain, and rain is fresh because it is in effect distilled. Evaporated water that re-condenses as rain has left impurities or salts behind, when it evaporated.