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Clock Skew

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Q: What in Active Directory will tolerate a maximum of a 5-minute between a client and the domain controller that authenticates it?
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How can a teenage girl gain weight?

Like everyone else; get blood tests from a doctor to make sure it's not a medical condition, eat lots of meat (and preferably fruit and vegetables as well), eat 3 times per day and do lots of exercise (6 days per week is best). There's really no other healthy way to live. If you want to be less skinny do harder, shorter exercises instead of longer easier ones (i.e. you can sprint 100M several times with 3-5minute breaks instead of jogging 10KM in one hit). One cannot expect to be in any way healthy without exercise or protein. If you want to be serious about it, get a nutritionist and a personal trainer and tell them what you want. If your question is actually how to become overweight then the answer is don't; nothing good can come of it.

Why would someone not be paralyzed on the right side of face if they had a stroke that paralyzed the right side?

first, to answer this question one must understand what a stroke is. A stroke isa sudden atteck of weakness affecting one side of the body. It is the consequence interruption to blood flow to the brain and this can be due to so many conditions like trauma, thrombus or infection. Knowing that astroke affects the brain and the brain being the power house of the body means a lot. The brain contains two hemispheres the left and right and in must people the left is the dominant sphere. The left sphere powers the right side of the body and the right sphere powers the left side of the body(rigth handed people most times have left has dominant and vice versa). The brain can only suvive 5minute without oxygen suppy therefore any disease or tauma that can interrupt blood supply to the brain will cause damage to it which will ead to weakness or paralysis of the contralateral side depending on how severe the damage is. Most times the damage done on the dominant side affects the ipslateral side of the body.