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Nothing in science disproves god. However, it is not up to "non-believers" to disprove god. It is the role of the creations to first provide proof of god. The burden of proof lies with the prosecution, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, etc etc.

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Q: What in science disproves god?
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I'll speak as if you you mean Christianity and the God of the Bible.Yes and no. Most scientific knowledge does not contradict God. (most Christians won't raise much of a stink if you tell them the Earth revolves around the Sun).Many scientific theories do contradict God. Which is why they are theories-- they are as of yet unproven, and cannot be proven in truth if they do contradict God's reality.Since no string of logic can disprove God without defeating itself, nothing disproves God in truth.

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They do not. Nothing "disproves" evolution. It is impossible to prove or disprove anything scientifically. That's a basic rule of science: everything is subjected to doubt.

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there is no evidence that proves or disproves the existence of god, so asserting that a god or gods exist or don't exist is a waste of time due to a lack of evidence for both sides.

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In my opinion, no, God does not hate science.

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Because it disproves evolution. Lots of fossils suddenly appearing of fully formed animals. Points to the creator God.

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You can use the god excuse for anything that science can't answer, such as 'who started the big bang?' or 'who made god?'