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Q: What in the amniote egg is composed of protein and provides food water and necessary ions?
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Ribosomes are composed largely of protein and?

Ribosomes are composed mainly of protein and RNA.

What does protein provides us?

It provides us with protein. Our bodies break it down into simpler components called amino acids and then uses them to build its own proteins, which are used for... well, darn near everything. Muscle tissue, connective tissue, enzymes, antibodies, you name it, they're all composed of protein.

Where are the ribosomes composed of?

The ribosome's are composed of?

Ribosomes are composed of protein and RNA.

What protein are fingernails composed of?

Fingernails and hair (and claws, hooves and horns on animals) is composed of a protein called "Keratin".

What is composed of myosin protein?

thick filaments

What organelle is necessary for protein synthesis?

ribosomes are necessary for protein synthesis

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What are conjugated proteins composed of?

simple protein and non protein substance.

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What type of protein is DNA considered?

Actually, DNA is not a protein. It's composed of nucleic acids, another group of organic molecules. It can be associated with proteins (like histones) to be coiled up, but it's actual composition is not of proteins. It provides the template for every protein made in the cell.

What are the thick protein filaments in the cell made of?

The thick filament is composed of the myosin molecule. The thin filament is composed of the actin molecule. Flexing the head of myosin provides the powerstroke.