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1. After the bile is stored in the gall bladder, from the liver. Bile emulsifies the fats, it converts them from large globules ito much smller droplets, giving a greater surface area.

2. The ileum is long and highly folded

3. The ileum is made up of villi.

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Q: What increases surface area for absorption of nutrients by digestive system?
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Which part of the digestive system contains structural adaptations called villi that increase the surface area for the absorption of nutrients?


How thousands of folds and sub-folds in the small intestine help in digestion?

It increases the surface area available for absorption of digestion nutrients.

Which part of the digestive system is primarily responsible for absorbing nutrients?

The small intestine is the part of the digestive system responsible for absorbing most of the nutrients. The villi are the structural feature that maximize surface area for absorption.

Do villi absorb dissolved food?

It increases the surface area of your gut wall (because there are millions) and make absorption of nutrients quicker. Hope this helps

How does microvilli help in the digestion of food?

The provide the small intestine with a large surface area, and provides the capillaries close to the surface.

What kind of a cell lines the small intestine and assembles fat?

The small intestine is lined with epithelial cells. These specialized cells have microvilli on their surface, which increase their surface area for absorption. These cells play a key role in the absorption of nutrients and fats from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.

What is the advantage of the increased surface area in the small intestine?

Simply to increasing the efficiency of digestion and absorption.

What is the purpose of villi and microvilli in the digestive tract?

The villi in the small intestine are small finger like projections, which increase surface area for the absorption of nutrients. They is richly supplied with blood vessels, which get nutrients from here and transport them to the rest of the body.

How is the digestive surface of a frog increased?

A frog's digestive surface is increased most specifically in the small intestine. This portion of the system has many folds on the inner surface, helping to increase absorption of food.

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The fungus grows around the plants root hairs and increases the roots surface area which means greater absorption of nutrients for the plant.

Which structures of the small intestines increases the surface area available for absorption?

Plicae and villi

Why is surface area important in the small intestine?

Simply put, larger surface area allows for more digestive process to occur.