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Q: What increases the effects of alcohol when boating?
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What increases the effects of alcohol and drugs when boating?


What increases effect of alcohol when boating?


What effects will increase the effects of alcohol and drugs when boating?


What effects of alcohol are greater while boating?

no relation

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What increases the effect of alcohol while boating?

More alcohol. Boating has no effect apart from an unstable base upon which to stand which may affect your balance without the alcohol.

What is the effect of alcohol while boating versus on while on land?

The effects are increased while boating

What is the effect of alcohol while boating versus its effect while on land?

The effects are increased while boating

Which of the following will increase the effects of alcohol and drug when boating?


How does the effect of alcohol while boating compare to effect while on land?

The effect is increased while boating

How does the effect of alcohol while boating compared to its effects on land?

The effects on the human body are the same in boh environments.