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Q: What indicated a play being that day?
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What did it mean if a black flag was flying above Shakespeare's theatre?

In Shakespeare's time, a black flag flying above the theatre indicated that a tragedy was being performed that day. It was a signal to the audience about the type of play they would be watching.

What sign was there if a play was cancelled at the Globe theatre?

The Globe Theater used flags as a way of communicating information about the plays of the day. If the flag was raised it indicated a performance was scheduled. If it wasn't raised, the people knew the performance had been canceled. Colored flags also indicated the type of play that would be performed.

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What was the purpose of the flag on the top of the roof of the globe theatre?

The Globe (and all Elizabethan theaters) used flags to advertise their play that day. The Globe used white flags to advertise that the play performed that day would be a comedy or of a light subject. Black flags advertised a tragedy, or play with dark subject matter such as death. Red flags indicated a play associated with blood, usually historical. Sometimes flags with pictures of the next scheduled pay would be flown.

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Red.. ( i hate studyisland!! )

2 If you say If Joan is a mother then Joan is female you have indicated sufficient conditions for being a mother true or false?

No. You have indicated sufficient conditions for Joan being a female (the fact that she is a mother), but being a female does not automatically qualify her to be a mother. The answer is "False".

What does this mean in English?

"This" is refering to a thing, item, etc. being indicated.

How did the Elizabethan theatres advertise performance going to be held the same day?

In Elizabethan theaters, flags were flown on the day of the performance to alert the people. The color of the flags indicated the type of play that was going to be performed. The color black symbolized a tragedy and comedy had a white flag.

How does Anna Anderson play a role in the Romanov story?

She claimed she was Anastasia, but DNA samples indicated that she was not.

What was the most favorite play in shakespeares time?

The most popular play in Shakespeare's day was Thomas Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy which was written in the 1580s and was being constantly revived into the seventeenth century.

The color of the flag flying above the globe theater do you noted the type of play being shown what did the red colored flag represent?

Red indicated that it would be a historical play (King John, Richard II, etc.). Many of the "historical" plays were pretty bloody, so red was a good choice.