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Q: What industry declined in the 1920s?
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Did Prohibition increase or decrease in the 1920s?

National Prohibition in the US began in 1920 but support for it declined throughout the 1920s.

As the 1920s progressed what happened to farm incomes?

declined -nova net

What major industry boomed in the 1920s?

the industry of alcohol

What industry had the biggest impact on the economy in the 1920s?


Which grew significantly during the 1920s?

Cars; the movie industry; electric utilities; radio industry.

What is the major industry of England?

There is no single major industry. It does however have a particularly big financial and banking industry. Much of the old heavy industry has declined and light industry is now predominant.

How did mass production help build up the advertising industry during the 1920s?

An increase in the advertising industry

Where was the KKK the most prevalent?

The KKK of the 1920s was strongest in Indiana.

Which persons work did tje most to change everyday life in amerca during the 1920s?

Women did not dominate the workforce, and in fact the number of women in the workforce declined during the 1920s, especially professional women.

How many people work in the vehicular lighting industry?

The total number of industry employees declined from 17,233 in 1999 to 15,055 in 2000.

How did the growth business and industry affect woman in the 1920s?

The growth of business and industry in the 1920s offered more services to help manage the home. It also provided more opportunities for both men and women.

What industry did not prosper in the 1920?

the ones who did not prosper in the 1920s was African Americans and farmers