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it makes it colder because of the molecules in water

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Q: What influence does water have on temperature?
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Related questions

What does the temperature of the land or water influence?

The water cycle and cloud formation.

What are the factors that influence the density of water?

Temperature and Salinity

What factor influence temperature?

The main factors that influence temperature are latitude, altitude, distance from large bodies of water, and ocean currents.

Is a cities temperature a marine influence or a continental influence?

If the city is near a large body of water, then the influence is marine. If not, then the influence is continental.

The temperature of a body of water influence?

the temoerature of the air above it

Why might a higher proportion of water to land influence the temperature variations?

The high specific heat of water.

How does mobility of the ocean influence temperature of land?

It brings warm or cold water to shorelines in areas that need temperature moderation.

What can negatively influence the temperature of air?

It can be either the water temperature or something unknown like a gas spill or carbon dioxide

How does soil temperature influence plants growth?

well because the soil needs water

What factors influence precipitation and temperature?

The wonderful Factors of temperature are The distance from large bodies of water, ocean currents, and the direction of prevailing winds

What are the environmental factors that influence photosynthesis in plants?

i fink temperature, water, not sure on d others. soz

What are the factors that influence the water cycle?

3 big factors that affect the water cycle are location, the amount of solar radiation that makes it to ground level, and temperature. The location would basically influence how much water is available at ground level to be evaporated and the amount of solar radiation would basically influence how much water was evaporated from ground level into the air. Temperature would influence where condensation and cloud formation would take place and how much condensation and cloud formation would occur.