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The rise of Romanticism was influenced by a desire to break away from the constraints of rationalism and embrace emotions, nature, and individuality. At its core, Romanticism emphasized imagination, intuition, and the inherent goodness and beauty of the natural world.

Realism, on the other hand, emerged as a response to the romantic idealism, focusing on depicting everyday life with accuracy and detail. The movement sought to portray the realities of society, often exposing social issues and inequalities. The core values of realism included truth, objectivity, and the depiction of the human condition without idealization.

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Q: What influenced the rise of romanticism and realism and what values and ideas were at the core of each movement?
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What are the values of Romanticism?

Romanticism values individuality, emotion, nature, and imagination. It emphasizes the importance of following one's passions, expressing personal feelings, and rejecting societal norms and conventions. Romanticism also places a strong emphasis on the beauty and power of nature as a source of inspiration and spiritual renewal.

What is axiology of realism?

Axiology of realism is concerned with values and ethics based on the objective reality of the world. It emphasizes the importance of empirical evidence and facts in determining moral principles and ethical standards. Realism in axiology rejects subjective or relativistic viewpoints in favor of universal truths that can be discovered through observation and reason.

What is conservative romanticism?

Conservative romanticism refers to a cultural and intellectual movement that emerged in Europe in the early 19th century. It aimed to preserve traditional values and institutions in the face of rapid societal changes brought about by industrialization and urbanization. Conservative romantics often sought to reconnect with nature, the past, and a sense of national identity through their art, literature, and ideology.

Who opposed romanticism?

Critics of Romanticism included conservative intellectuals, such as Johann Gottlieb Fichte and Samuel Taylor Coleridge, who believed it went against traditional values and order. Some Enlightenment thinkers, like Voltaire and David Hume, also criticized Romanticism for what they saw as a focus on emotion over reason.

What is the Educational Philosophy of Romanticism?

Romanticism in education emphasizes the importance of individuality, emotion, and imagination in the learning process. It values creativity, intuition, and personal growth, and encourages students to explore their passions and express themselves freely. Romanticism also emphasizes the connection between nature and learning, believing that the natural world can inspire intellectual and emotional development.

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As a movement Romanticism may be described as?

Romanticism was a cultural movement in literature, music, and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that emphasized emotion, imagination, and individualism. It focused on the power of nature, the supernatural, and the importance of personal experience and intuition. Romanticism often challenged traditional norms and values, celebrating the beauty and mystery of the world.

What is axiology of realism?

Axiology of realism is concerned with values and ethics based on the objective reality of the world. It emphasizes the importance of empirical evidence and facts in determining moral principles and ethical standards. Realism in axiology rejects subjective or relativistic viewpoints in favor of universal truths that can be discovered through observation and reason.

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How romanticism contrast with enlightenment?

Romanticism emphasizes emotion, nature, and individualism, with an emphasis on subjective experience and imagination. Enlightenment, on the other hand, prioritizes reason, science, and logic, with a focus on rationality and objective truth. Romanticism often rejects the constraints of societal norms and celebrates creativity and the power of the individual, while Enlightenment values progress, education, and the advancement of society through knowledge and reason.

What literary era immediatly preceded the modernist movement?

The literary era that immediately preceded the modernist movement is known as the Victorian era. This period was characterized by a focus on realism, social issues, and moral values, which eventually gave way to the experimental and fragmented style of modernist literature.

What are 4 emphases of british romanticism?

Emotions Powerful feelings Strong Values on Nature Distrust in Technology

How does Shelly's account of her creative process reflect values of the Romantic Movement?

Shelley's account of her creative process reflects Romantic values in its emphasis on individualism, imagination, and emotional intensity. She highlights the power of human creativity to challenge societal norms and explore the depths of the human experience, which are key themes in Romanticism. Her focus on emotional expression and the supernatural also align with the movement's celebration of nature and the sublime.

What style of writing is largely identified with the artistic movement known as romanticism?

Romanticism is largely identified with expressive, emotional, and imaginative writing that focuses on nature, individualism, and the power of the human spirit. It often features themes of love, inspiration, and the supernatural, and values emotion over reason.

Where is the wonder in romanticism?

The wonder in Romanticism can be found in its celebration of nature, beauty, and emotion. Romanticism values the individual experience and seeks to evoke a sense of awe and inspiration in the world around us, exploring themes of love, passion, and the infinite possibilities of the human spirit. Through its emphasis on imagination and creativity, Romanticism invites us to see the world in a new and enchanting light.

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mode and mean

How was Michelangelo influenced by Renaissance values?

He was inspired by events and culture.