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Q: What information do you put for the x axis on a histogram?
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Where do you put the independent and dependent variables on a histogram?

Independent on the x-axis (horizontal) and dependent on the y-axis (vertical).

What does each interval represent on the x axis of histogram?

The answer depends on the scale used.

Where does the x axes go and where does the y axis go on a histogram?

Typically x axis goes horizontally, incrementing to the right, and y axis goes vertically incrementing up. They cross each other at right angle and that point is typically marked as 0 on each axis.

Which information do you put on the x axis age or height?

Assuming that age influences height rather than the other way around, age is the "independent" variable and height the "dependent" one. Then, age should be put on the x-axis.

How can you tell how to label the axis on a graph?

The horizontal axis is always your x-axis. So just put an X next to your x-axis and you've labelled it.

What axis would you put the independent variable?


What is the Matlab code to plot a histogram?

imhist(x); where 'x' is your data or image to find histogram.

What are bar charts?

Bar charts are a sort of chart that has a line going up the side called the y axis, and one running along the bottom called the x axis. they join together at their edges. then, you can put information in the bar chart by adding it on the x axis.

What information do you put on the x axis?

Independent variable Êis placed on the xÊaxis Êwhen plotting a graph. For instance, if you are investigating the growth rate of a Êbacteria under different temperatures, the x axis Êwill identify the temperature while the y axis will identify theÊÊgrowth rate.

How do you put distance vs time on a graph?

time is on the x axis and distance is on the y axis

I am making continuous graph about gas i don't know what to put for y axis.. help please. i already put time in x axis..?

You need to tell us what it is about the gas that you are measuring. Time on x-axis is correct.

Name five points that are the x axis to the left?

If you put the axes in the standard position, the x-axis is horizontal, and you can't have anything "to the left" of the x-axis. You can only have points above, below, or on the x-axis.