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sunlight i absorbed in chloroplasts.

light intensity effects the rate of photosynthesis

The right temperature is needed or the enzymes become denatured

Water and carbon dioxide are also needed

Nitrogen is needed for growth

Phosphorus is needed for making root tissues and respiration

Potassium is for respiration and photosynthesis

Magnesium making chlorophyll

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13y ago
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14y ago

Photosynthesis is the conversion of light energy into chemical energy by living organisms. The raw materials are carbon dioxide and water; the energy source is sunlight, and chlorophyll is an essential pigment in the presence of which alone light energy from the sun can be converted to chemical energy; and the end-products are oxygen and (energy rich) carbohydrates, for example sucrose, glucose and starch. StEPhY wUz HurRXD

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13y ago

sunlight, water, chlorophyll and air. these things make glucose (their food) and oxygen (for us to breath).

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14y ago

One of the things that a plant needs for photosynthesis to occur is sunlight. It also needs CO2, and H2O.

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7y ago

In order for a green plant to photosynthesise, the raw materials needed are :

  1. water (H2O)
  2. carbon dioxide (CO2)
  3. Sunlight
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14y ago

In order for photosynthesis to take place a plant needs sunlight, h2o, and co2.

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13y ago

the answer they're probably looking for is: water, light and carbon dioxide. In reality, there are a lot of other things too. But that's probably the answer they want...

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7y ago

water air space and sunlight

Ingridients needed are water and co2. Light is needed to get energy

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11y ago

sunlight,Carbon dioxide and water

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Q: What ingredients do green plants need for photosynthesis?
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What organisms can perform photosynthesis?

The kind of organism that would be most likely to perform photosynthesis is the plant. All plants must perform photosynthesis.

Where do plants get these ingredients?

Plants get the nutrients that they need from the soil and water. They get the ingredients to make their own food through photosynthesis.

Explain your observation in nature your reason for the absence of no green plants in the depth of the ocean where it is always dark?

Plants are green because of pigments, including chlorophylls, that absorb light for photosynthesis. In deep parts of the ocean, where it is always dark, photosynthesis cannot take place (there is no light), so there is no need for these green pigments in plants that may exist there. Therefore any plants that do exist there would not be green, as production of chlorophylls would be a waste of energy and resources.

Can humans live without photosynthesis?

Humans themselves do not use photosynthesis, but because humans depend on plants, as well as other animals that eat plants, in order to live, no, humans could not live without photosynthesis. Unless plants had another way to make food for themselves, humans could not live without photosynthesis.

How do plants obtain the water they need for photosynthesis?

Plants get the water they require for photosynthesis by absorbing from the soil through their root systems. It is then transported up the stem and to the leaves where is is used to synthesise sugars through photosynthesis.

Related questions

Where do green plants get the ingredients they need for photosynthesis?

Water is absorbed from soil . CO2 is from atmosphere.

What ingredients or raw materials do green plants need for photosynthesis?

co2, sunlight and water

Where do plants get ingredients?

Plants get the nutrients that they need from the soil and water. They get the ingredients to make their own food through photosynthesis.

What contains green pigment?

Plants NEED it to do photosynthesis.

What are the ingredients plants need for their food making process?

Photosynthesis, Carbon Dioxide, and Water

What 3 things to plants need in order to complete photosynthesis?

the three essential ingredients that plants need to complete photosynthesis are carbon, nitrogen & sunlight.

Why does the grass green?

chloraphyll, the chemical need for plants to undergo photosynthesis

What are the ingredients that plants need to perform the process of photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide, water, and energy from sunlight.

What organisms can perform photosynthesis?

The kind of organism that would be most likely to perform photosynthesis is the plant. All plants must perform photosynthesis.

Why does the grass grow green?

chloraphyll, the chemical need for plants to undergo photosynthesis

Do green plants need sunlight to make food?

Of Course! They use Photosynthesis. (:

Why are green plants important to oxygen?

Plants produce oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. Therefore, we, as animals who need oxygen to breathe, must have green plants in our ecosystem in order to survive.