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Bryson Hill

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Q: What initially made penguins the preferred pet of eskimo?
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Related questions

What does a Eskimo village look like?

it is made out of snow

Is there such thing as eskimo candy?

YES! It is delicious. Made from Salmon.

What Eskimo dish is made from berries lard and fish?

Sweet pie

Are penguins man made?


How did eskimo made their pottery?

Much the same way as other native american people, in pit kilns. The relative scarcity of wood means that eskimo pottery is rarer.

What country made a anorak?

It was invented by the Caribou Inuit (Eskimo) of the Arctic region

Why do penguins have no flight?

cuz god made them like that that's what so special bout penguins

Who makes up One EskimO?

One EskimO is made up of kristian-leontiou(vocals), Adam Falkner (drums), Pete Rinaldi (guitar), and Jamie Sefton (bass and horns).

What is the nationality of the crew that made march of the penguins?


How many times have the penguins made it to the playoffs?


Why bolt and nut made of same metal are preferred?

Using a nut and bolt made up of the same metal is preferred in order to avoid corrosion.

What can be made from penguins?

a penguin is made of feathers it doesn't look like though