



Penguins live primarily in Antarctica, but can also be found in cold coastal areas of South America, New Zealand, Australia, and South Africa. There are seventeen species of Penguins, and seven are found only in Antarctica.

4,194 Questions

Is a fly without wings called a walk?

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If an orange isn't ripe, is it called a green?

What can fly but does not have wings?

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well a paper can fly but you've got to fold it a lot to make it much stronger.

What type of shape does a penguin have?

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Asked by Yenjojo

Penguins, like all vertebrates, have bilateral symmetry. This means they have symmetry across one plane (known as the sagittal plane, and directly down the centre of their body), which means one side of their body approximately mirrors the other side.

Where do pengiuns live?

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Antarctica and some surrounding islands, South America, and several zoos worldwide.

Who are penguins enemies?

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Penguins enemies are leopard seals and killer whales.

Where did poles live in 1800s?

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In the 1800s, many Poles lived in the territories of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, which was partitioned by neighboring empires such as Russia, Prussia, and Austria. As a result of these partitions, many Poles also lived in territories controlled by these empires and in exile communities abroad.

What is the Phylum of an Emperor Penguin?

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The Emperor Penguin belongs to the phylum Chordata.

Why do penguins have oily skin?

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Penguins have oily skin to help keep their feathers waterproof. The oil produced by a gland near their tail feathers helps to create a barrier that prevents water from reaching their skin when they swim. This adaptation is essential for penguins to stay warm and dry in their cold, aquatic habitats.

What domain do penguins belong to?

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Penguins are birds, and all birds belong to the taxonomic domain of Eukarya.Eukarya covers all organisms in the Kingdom Animalia, as well as the Kingdoms Plantae, Fungi and Protista.

How does emperor penguins drink?

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Emperor penguins do not drink water as they obtain all necessary liquid from the prey they consume, such as fish and krill, which contain water. Additionally, they have a special gland near their eyes that filters excess salt from their bloodstream, allowing them to survive on the saltwater they consume while hunting.

Are penguins are cold or hot blooded?

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Penguins are warm-blooded animals, which means they can regulate their body temperature internally. They have adaptations like thick layers of feathers and blubber to help them stay warm in their cold Antarctic environments.

What are penguins appendages?

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Penguins have flippers as their main appendages for swimming in the water. These flippers are adapted for diving and propulsion through the water, while their feet are used for steering and stability on land.

Do penguins have any teeth?

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No, penguins do not have teeth. Instead, they have spines inside their mouths and throats that help them guide food down their throat. Penguins swallow their prey whole, so teeth are not necessary for chewing.

Why do people like penguins so much?

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Asked by Danicabutt

People like penguins because they are cute, funny, and charismatic animals. Their waddling walk, tuxedo-like appearance, and playful behavior make them endearing to many people. Additionally, penguins are often associated with qualities like resilience and teamwork, further enhancing their appeal.

How do penguins clean themselves?

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Penguins preen themselves using their beaks to spread oil from a gland near their tail over their feathers, which helps to keep them waterproof. They also use their beaks to remove dirt and parasites from their feathers. Moreover, they may take frequent dips in water to clean themselves.

Does a penguin move fast?

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Penguins can move quickly in the water, using their flipper-like wings to "fly" through the water at speeds up to 15-25 miles per hour. On land, however, penguins waddle at a slower pace due to their anatomical structure, which is not designed for speed on land.

What animals live in the south pole instead of penguins and seals?

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Other animals that live in the South Pole include whales, albatrosses, and various species of seabirds. Additionally, some fish, krill, and smaller invertebrates can also be found in the waters surrounding the South Pole.

Do Emperor penguins mate for life or choose new mates each year?

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Emperor penguins typically mate for one breeding season, with many choosing new mates in subsequent seasons. They are not known to mate for life like some other bird species.

What is the average lifespan of a chinstrap penguin?

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The average lifespan of a chinstrap penguin is around 20-25 years. However, some individuals have been known to live over 30 years in the wild.

What are penguin's inherited behaviors?

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Penguins have inherited behaviors such as swimming, diving, and foraging for food. They also show natural instincts for breeding, nesting, and raising their chicks. Additionally, penguins exhibit social behaviors within their colonies, including communication through vocalizations and body language.

Do emperor penguins have a pouch?

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No, emperor penguins do not have a pouch. Pouches are a feature found in marsupials, where they carry their young. Emperor penguins do not have this adaptation.

Why do penguins live in a group?

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Penguins live in groups for protection from predators, to conserve warmth, and to help with breeding and raising their offspring. Group living also allows them to cooperate in hunting for food and provides social interaction within the colony.

Do different types of penguins have different diets?

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Yes, different types of penguins have varying diets based on their environment and prey availability. For example, Adelie penguins primarily feed on Antarctic krill, while Galapagos penguins consume more fish. Overall, most penguins rely on a diet of fish, squid, and crustaceans.

Do penguins attack humans?

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Penguins are not typically aggressive towards humans and do not consider humans as prey. However, they may become defensive if they feel threatened or cornered, which could lead to bites or pecks. It is important to maintain a respectful distance and avoid disturbing penguins in their natural habitat.

What animal do scientists think penguins evolved from?

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Scientists think that penguins evolved from flying birds, similar to petrels and albatrosses, around 60 million years ago. Over time, they adapted to a more aquatic lifestyle, leading to their distinctive form and characteristics we see today.