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Q: What inland Northern Europe sea freezes?
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What inland northern sea freezes so that you can skate on it?

If you are speaking about Europe, it would be the "Baltic," sea.

Is the Black Sea a ocean?

After the geology terminology the Black Sea is not an inland Sea.

What are the inland seas that are located in Europe?

Adriantic sea, Black sea, Sea of Ozov, Caspian Sea, White Sea, Baltic Sea, Sea of Marmara are some of the landlocked seas in Europe. We can observe these things on a physical map of Europe. Landlocked seas are the water bodies that are surrounded by water by all the sides.

The large inland sea in the northern part is called the?

Hudson bay

What defines North Sea as a non inland sea?

The fact that it is an open sea among several countries of Europe but definitely is not an "inland" sea like Caspian sea, or the lakes Aral and Baikal.

Name two Inland seas that are located in Europe?

There is only one inland sea in Europe: the Caspian Sea. Many mistake the Black Sea for being an inland sea, but in fact, it is connected to the Mediterranean Sea.

What part of Europe is the Baltic sea?

Northern Europe

What nationalities have green eyes?

Northern Europe and areas around the Black Sea.

Does Paris have a sea?

No . Paris is an inland city, on the river Seine. In France. Europe.

What region is the Baltic Sea in?

Northern Europe

Which is the largest sea in Europe?

The Mediterranean-though it is shared with parts of Asia and Africa. The largest sea entirely in Europe would be the North Sea.

Which sea lies between northern Europe and Scandinavia?

The Baltic Sea.