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Q: What innovation or tool did ancient Egyptians use to Cary water from place to place?
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What innovation did the ancient egyptians use to spread waters across their lands?

Ancient Egyptians were among the pioneers in using IRRIGATION to harness the water of the Nile River and provide it to their crops on large tracts of riverside land.

Did the ancient Egyptians have running water?


What influence was the Nile river on the ancient Egyptians?

The Nile River had a great amount of influence on ancient Egyptian life. The floods controlled when people could grow crops.

How did the ancient Egyptians adjust to flooding?

Ancient Egyptians needed the floods to irrigate crops. Egyptians would measure the water with a nilometer so people upstream would be aware of how much water was coming.

Did ancient Egyptians clean their drinking water?

they didn't!

How did the ancient Egyptians clean their drinking water?

they didn't!

How did ancient egyptians use levees?

getting water

Why didn't ancient Egyptians live on desert?

The ancient Egyptians lived around the Nile river because of the fertile soil and the water for their crops.

How did the ancient egyptians get water to their crops when there wasn't enough rain to water them?

irrigation ;)

How did ancient Egyptians get water out of the nile?

They used the Archimedes Screw

What did the ancient egyptians use?

Ancient Egyptians used a variety of things for a variety of purposes. Ancient Egyptians used dogs, water, tools, chariots, papyrus, precious gems, calendars, and a written form of language called hieroglyphics.

Who invented running water?

Africans invented running water. Ancient Egyptians were the inventors.