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Q: What inquiry skills help you notice a change in a science experiment?
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What is Thompson experiment?

It is an experiment in which the Joule-Thomson coefficient is measured. Basically, you are expanding a gas under adiabatic conditions to ensure constant enthalpy and you will notice that there will be a temperature change (most likely cooling).

What do you notice during an experiment?

Record your observations during an experiment. This will be part of the data you collect.

What was notice during your experiment?

it should be "what was noticed by your experiment"this question,i guess,is directing to a particular please do not send it publicly

How has your life been impacted by science?

Everything around us is science. You might not notice, but everything is related to science. Computers take scientists to make.

Can a defendant change a citation notice once they have signed it?

The defendant cannot change the citation notice before or after they sign it. The issuing authority (usually officer) completes the citation notice.

Can a landlord change locks of commercial business owner without notice in Texas?

can a landlord change the locks on a commercial building without notice

How do you you notice as you change the diaphragm openings?


How do you get steven to notice me in the pewter museum of science?

you have to get the enigma stone(you cant get the stone anymore)

How long does it take for you to notice if you have gained a pound?

Most people wouldn't notice such a small change at all.

What is embargo dates?

Subject to change without notice.

Are Christian Scientists Born Again?

A Christian commitment is the beginning of a certain kind of inquiry into one's life and life around him/her. We do not get all the answers when we accept Christ. We grow as we learn based on study and our experience. The study of science is also an inquiry. It requires of itself that it rely only on evidence. This is not a bad thing. Sometimes there are those who attempt to make the evidence appear to support a certain position, but this is not science. This is propaganda, and such things are done in the name of Christ as well as for the sake of promoting the products of big businesses or persuading us of the truth of an idea. We live in an age of technology and science. We drive to work because of automobiles, which rely on the discoveried of science to function. We all rely on evidence to make decisions. Science should be the Christian's ally in this, but Christians need to learn how to read and notice when the writer or promoter is not playing with the real information. We all need to learn how and when to challenge those who play fast and loose with the evidence.