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Case bearing Moth

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Q: What insect is found in a seed like shell that is worm like?
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Related questions

Another name for seed shell?

The shell covering a seed is sometimes called a hull.

What elements are found in green beans?

There is the outer shell and the seed inside

How does seed protect itself from insect?

Some seeds have an outer covering which makes it hard for insects and animals to get into. Sunflower seeds have a hard outer shell to protect itself from predators.

Can you use garden insect dust to coat your potato seed to prevent seed rot?

an insect dust as well as a fungicidal dust will prevent rot

Do birds eat the entire nyjer or Niger seed or do they consume part of the seed and leave the seed coat behind as they do with sunflower seeds?

Nyjer seed does not have a shell like sunflowers. Wild birds eat all of the nyjer seed.

White head on scrotum that had a seed inside?

This is just like a pimple except sometimes the body will enclose the irritation in a shell or coating that could look like a seed. Nothing to worry about.

WHAT IS the shell of a seed called?


How does a nut protect a seed?

It protects it's seed with the outer shell covering.

How do you eat a sun flower seed?

My opinion is if you brake the shell first and then eat the inside. Sometimes i would like the shell or if it a shell and lick it (dont judge me) or something and then crack it and eat the inside OK

How does a seed survive before being planted?

A seed is inside a hard shell. So Until It is planted it is stored in that. Once planted and roots start to grow the seed starts to break out of the shell!

What is the definition of seed coat?

A hard shell around a seed, properly known as 'aril'

Why does the bird have to crack through a seed coat?

because all the 'good stuff' is in side the shell and its to tuff to eat... its like a orange, you can eat the 'shell' but the stuff inside is nicer.