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Q: What instrument do you use to measure kinetic energy with?
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How do you measure kinetic?

Use a radar gun to measure the speed of the object. Then stop the object and weigh it on a scale. Use the following formula to calculate the object's kinetic energy: E = MV2 E = kinetic energy M = mass V = velocity

What Doctors use to measure the average kinetic energy of the molecules in your body?

Gunna have to go with thermometer.

How do you use kinetic energy in sentence?

how do you use the word kinetic energy in a sentence

Does a windmill use kinetic energy?

Yes it is kinetic energy.

What does a doctor use to measure the average kinetic energy of the molecules in your body?

Let us first define Kinetic Energy. Kinetic Energy is often referred to the energy a mass has due to its motion. However, when referring to the heat of an object, Kinetic Energy refers to how excited the particles are of the object. A measure of heat of the human body could be taken as temperature which has the SI units Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvins. Therefore, the measure of the Kinetic Energy of the human body, as a standard: the human body has a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius.

What we use to measure the average kinetic energy of a random motion in the particles of a substance?

Big hairy balls

What are the variable units for kinetic energy?

Any unit that you can use for energy can be used for kinetic energy.

What kind of energy do you use to walk?

When a body is in motion it possesses kinetic energy, so while walking we use this kinetic energy.

What is kinetic energy give an example of a use of a use of kinetic energy that you saw today?

kinetic energy is the energy possessed by a moving object e.i. a boy kicking a ball and it starts moving

What is the name of an energy that is working?

This is called kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy while kinetic energy is in use.

Why is cycling kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy is the energy of moving things, And a bicycle in use is a moving thing.

How does kinetic energy stop?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. Energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be converted into other forms. When you want to get rid of kinetic energy, we normally use a brake, which converts the kinetic energy into heat energy through friction. With some hybrid automobiles, they use "regenerative braking" to convert the kinetic energy of motion back into electrical energy in the batteries.