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A spring scale :)

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Q: What instrument measures the gravitational force being exerted on the apple?
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What instrument measures the mass of an apple?

You need only a simple balance (up to 0,1 g).the answer is a balance

How do you measure the downward force of an apple exerts?

You can put it on a scale. There's usually one available somewhere near the apples in any produce market, for that exact purpose. The downward force exerted by the apple is referred to as the apple's "weight". It's the magnitude of the gravitational attraction between the mass of the earth and the mass of the apple.

What is the gravitational attraction of apple on the earth when it falls on earth?

the gravitational attraction of apple is sun.

An apple falls because of the gravitational attraction to earth. How does the gravitational attraction of the earth to the apple compare?

Considering the mass of the two objects should answer that question.

How did newton discove the laws of motion?

he discover by.......... when he was sitting under an apple tree,he saw that apple had fallen down by the gravitational force by this he came to know that extra force(gravitational force)had pushed the apple down

What is an example of gravitational potential?

An apple hanging from a tree has gravitational potential energy...anything which could fall to the ground has gravitational potential energy

What musical instrument do Haiti have?


How did newton discover the second law of motion?

he discover by.......... when he was sitting under an apple tree,he saw that apple had fallen down by the gravitational force by this he came to know that extra force(gravitational force)had pushed the apple down

If you lift an apple from the ground to some point above ground the gravitational potential energy in the system increases the potential energy is stored where?

the gravitational field between earth and the apple

What are some examples of gravitational energy?

A ball, an apple and hail

Where is the apple tree in which newton find gravitational effect?

You smutnigglet.

When an apple falls to the ground the apple's beginning kinetic energy and ending gravitational potential energy are both equal to what?

Zero J