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Q: What instruments are used to measure curved lines?
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What is a pachymeter?

A pachymeter is any of a group of instruments which are used to measure the thickness of something.

Which instruments are used to measure weather?

Instruments used to measure weather include thermometers for temperature, barometers for air pressure, anemometers for wind speed, hygrometers for humidity, and rain gauges for precipitation. Additional instruments such as weather balloons and satellites are also used to gather data on various weather conditions.

What instruments are used for monitoring weather?

Instruments used for monitoring weather include barometers to measure air pressure, thermometers for temperature, anemometers to measure wind speed, rain gauges for precipitation, and hygrometers to measure humidity. Other instruments may include weather balloons, satellites, and radar systems for more advanced monitoring.

Why is it necessary to use special instruments to measure the temperature of the atmosphere in the thermosphere layer?

Special instruments are necessary to measure temperature in the thermosphere because traditional thermometers can't withstand the extreme heat fluctuations and low density of this layer. Instruments like infrared detectors and Langmuir probes are used to measure the temperature accurately in such harsh conditions.

What instruments do you use to predict the rain?

Meteorologists use various instruments to predict rain, including weather radar to detect precipitation, satellites to monitor cloud formation, and weather balloons to measure atmospheric conditions. Additionally, weather models that simulate the atmosphere's behavior are also used in conjunction with these instruments to forecast rain.

Related questions

What is the laboratory instrument used to measure curved lines?

A caliper or a micrometer is typically used to measure curved lines in a laboratory setting. These instruments provide precise measurements of the length or diameter of curved objects such as tubes or spherical surfaces.

What is a jigsaw used for?

A jigsaw is used for cutting curved or round holes. With a straight guide it can cut straight lines.

What tool is used to measure curved surfaces?

Tape measure

What method is used to measure the lines used to measure the lines of the longitude and latitude to find the exact location?

The method used to measure lines of longitude and latitude to determine exact location is called geodetic surveying. It involves the use of specialized instruments such as theodolites and GPS receivers to accurately measure angles and distances on the Earth's surface. These measurements are then used to calculate the precise coordinates of a particular location.

What is the series of lines on an instrument of measure called?

The series of lines on an instrument of measure is called a scale. This scale is used to indicate measurements or quantities.

What instruments what instruments are used to measure temperature?


What are theodolites used to measure?

They are surveying instruments used to measure angles.

Flexible strip used drawing curved lines?


What are the test instruments used in electronics?

Some test instruments used in electronics are:Multimeter - Used to measure voltage, ampere and resistanceOscilloscope - Used to measure frequency and oscillations

What are the instruments are used to measure the upper atmosphere?

The instruments used to measure the conditions of the upper atmosphere is a Radiosonde, Radar, Weather Satellites, and Computers.

What instruments are used to find length?

A ruler, a yard stick, and a tape measure can each be used to measure length. There are other instruments, but these are probably the most common.

Name the instruments necessary to measure each of the above quantities which are known by the units which they measure?

To measure various physical quantities, different instruments are used based on the type of quantity being measured. Here are some examples: Length: Measured in meters (m). Instruments used to measure length include rulers, tape measures, and calipers. Mass: Measured in kilograms (kg). Instruments used to measure mass include balances and scales. Time: Measured in seconds (s). Instruments used to measure time include clocks and stopwatches. Temperature: Measured in degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees Fahrenheit (°F). Instruments used to measure temperature include thermometers. Electric current: Measured in amperes (A). Instruments used to measure electric current include ammeters. Voltage: Measured in volts (V). Instruments used to measure voltage include voltmeters. Frequency: Measured in hertz (Hz). Instruments used to measure frequency include oscilloscopes and frequency counters. Pressure: Measured in pascals (Pa). Instruments used to measure pressure include barometers and manometers. There are many other physical quantities that can be measured, and different instruments may be used depending on the specific quantity and the required precision of the measurement.