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Q: What instruments were made in the romantic era?
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Was there a formal orchestra in the romantic era?

Except for any instruments that were invented later, the symphony orchestra in the Romantic era was essentially what it is now.

What are some Victorian musical instruments?

A variety of instruments were prevalent during the Victorian Era or the Romantic Era when referring to music. Some musical instruments that were used were the pianoforte, bassoon, oboe, tuba, French horn, and different types of concert flutes.

Which instrument first appeard in the romantic era?

The piano was the main instrument used, but the tuba, saxophone, lute, hurdy-gurdy, and flute were also popular. Also the violin, violla, cello, double bass and other stringed instruments as well as percussion instruments were used. --- The romantic period was between 1815 and 1910. All of the instruments currently used in a modern classical orchestra were available during this period.

What era was after the Romantic era?

Victorian era came after Romantic era; the latter was between 1800 and 1850.

What era did Richard Wagner live in?

Romantic era.

What types of instruments did they have during the romantic era?

The piano was the most popular instrument from the Romantic period though in that time they did have the organ, harpsichord, basoon, flute, oboe, contrabasoon, clarinet, bass clarinet, piccolo, English horn, trumpet, horn, trombone, tuba and many other instruments including instruments from the string and percussion family.

Was Johannes Brahms in classical romantic or baroque?

he is considered to have been at the start of the romantic era following the classical era

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Neoclassical era Romantic Era Victorian Era Modernist Era

What era was Richard Wagner in?

The Romantic Era

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The Romantic Era

Beethoven what period era of music were they from?

Between classical and romantic Era. He is well known as a greatest composer during classical and romantic periods. Classical Era (1730-1820) Romantic Era (1815-1910)

Which era immediately preceded the Modernist era?

Romantic era and Victorian Era