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Woodblock printing i thinking

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Q: What invention did the Chinese use when making playing cards in the ninth century?
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What invention did in the Chinese use when making playing cards in the ninth century?

Woodblock printing i thinking

Which Chinese invention led to both of these developments?

Paper making

Which Chinese invention used technology for iron making?

Water wheel

Why is gunpowder the most important Chinese invention?

the chines need it to protect them selves and plus the love making it

What important invention did the Chinese make which helped in the cretion of steel making?

It's because when the chinese people made it they called it for kam-pol-iti

What invention did the Mongols learn about from the Chinese?

landscape painting,ceramics were also an important Chinese art form, tang artisans perfected the making of porcelain.

What important invention did the Chinese make which helped in the creation of steel making?

I'm not sure. They made gunpowder for like grenades and bullets. That may have something to with it.

When was steele invented?

The Iron Age The first invention of steel was in 13th century BC - Invention of steel when iron and charcoal are combined properly. If you mean by the mass production of steel, it was 1855 by Henry Bessemer, who invented the Bessemer process. There have been some research into the history of Metallurgy and it is quite likely that the science of making steel was known in India as earlier that 4th century, There are pillars made in 4th century AD that still stand as proof.

Who invented lenevo computer?

Lenova is a brand created when IBM sold their PC product line and licenses to the Chinese company that was previously making them for IBM. The first Lenova machines were simply the IBM machines the company was already making, just rebranded. No invention here.

In shushkovs animated film the invention if love he is likely making the commentary that?

In Shushkovs animated film, The Invention of Love, he is likely making the commentary that will influence future decisions.

What was the first important invention in the textile- making revolution and what did it do?

the first invention during the industrial revolution was the flying shuttle

How did the growth of industry and invention affect peoples lives and work conditions?

The inventions in the late 19th century changed the way people work is by making their lifes easier, For example: electricity, light bulbs made it safe to have then candles.