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The northrup automatic loom.

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Q: What inventions changed the textile industry?
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Industrialized methods and inventions were used first in England in the industry?


What changed the textile industry?

automatic loom

The Industrial Revolution began when a series of inventions brought revolution to the industry?


What inventions revolutionized the textile industry?

The cotton gin.spinning jenny and the water frame.

What innovations changed the textile industry?

automatic loom

How did inventions like the cotton gin and the interchangeable parts revolutionize the textile industry?

look at ur textbook

How did the the textile industry profit from the agricultural revolution?

It profited from the invention of the steel plow. (OW.) The textile industry also profited from the new inventions with their subsequent increase in availability and decrease in the cost of raw materials.

How did the inventions in the textile industry lead to outer inventions?

well,it helped us know about new things like iron,computors,cotton gins,and etc.....

What invention changed the cattle and farming industry?

All sorts of inventions changed the cattle and farming industry. It just depends on what time period you're referring to.

How did technological advances in the textile industry contributed to industrial revolution-?

Technological advances in the textile industry contributed to industrial revolution in that flying shuttle,spinning Jenny, Water frame, spinning mule were able to make textiles quickly.

What inventions had the Greatest impact on the First Industrial Revolution?

The first innovations of the Industrial Revolution that took place in England were in the textile industry.

What was the first industry to utilize factories?

Great Britain.