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In my opinion mostly inventions in the Textile and Farming Industry helped spread industrialization. An example of technology in farming is the Seed Drill. For textile there were very many inventions. ie: The Flying Shuttle, Spinning Jenny, Water Frame, and Spinning Mule. Steam machines, locomotives and better processes for making cast iron were also made.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The move was from hand-operated machines like spinning wheels, looms, lathes, hammers and saws to power-assisted operations. Development of Horse power, Wind-power and Water-power were all contributory and, where these drove the operation, the place became known as a Mill. Invention of the enGINe or GIN harnessed horsepower to give circular motion to wind rope around a drum. The big leap ahead came with the harnessing of Steam power. The development of the beam engine enabled mine dewqatering. Associated refinement inventions of Parallel motion and Condensers etc made more efficient steam engines possible. The Sun and Planet Motionand then the Crank and Flywheel, allowed rotary power to be made. The speed was controlled by the invetntion of the Governor. "A "Feedback" controller like that for positioning the sails into a veering wind on a windmill). Then there was the simple invention of a Layshaft for distributing the rotary power to multiple machines through the works by means of belt drives. Crompton's Mule, Arkwright's Water Frame and Hargreaves Spinning Jenny were the salient inventions of textile manufacturing well referenced in the history books. The invention of the Factory System concentrated work and hence, labour, in a central location instead of it being distributed among several homes but the Provision of Housing near the factory by Arkwright to complement the mechanisation and to reduce travelling time of the employees was a socially advanced and beneficial invention which should not be overlooked. Stamp mills allowed bones and minerals to be ground by power. Bobbin mills could now use power to drive the lathes which produced thousands of wooden spools required to operate the textile mills etc. Logging mills produced sawn planks and baulks of timber. Steam power was applied to Transportation and produced the Railway revolution.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

There were a number of inventions that were important in the development of the Industrial Revolution. One would be the railway which allowed for the spread of the industrial revolution. There were a number of developments that reigned over the rest including the power loom, the spinning jenny, the steam engine, and the internal combustion engine.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

steam engines , railroads , textile machines , the thrasher , etc..

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βˆ™ 13y ago

There were many - steam engines; machines for milling cotton and wool and looms for mass production of textiles; railroads, steam ships, just to name a few.

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Mainly the steam engine and the consequently the railways

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βˆ™ 6y ago

Spinning Jenny was the birth of Industrial revolution along with the steam train.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The cotton gin

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Q: What inventions played a key role in the early development of the Industrial Revolution?
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