

What inventions would you need to live on Venus?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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a artificial atmosphere, a highly cooling and heating suit and a space ship able to enter and exit the original atmosphere.

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Q: What inventions would you need to live on Venus?
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Why is it not good to live on Venus?

Venus does not have the correct requirements that we need in order to live on it. Venus has no Oxygen so survival would be minimal and without any trees/crops we'd also die of starvation.

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No, because plants need oxygen to live and there isn't oxygen inside the dirt in Venus. As for the outside with the air, maybe.

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Depending on where you live is the case. Venus Flytraps live in tropical regions, so it will have to be pretty warm. And you'll need plenty of small insects, and you must water them a lot. If you have all those necessary procedures, the plant would make a great class pet.

What does Venus need to have life on it?

For life to exist on Venus, the planet would need significant changes to its environment. This would include lowering its surface temperature, establishing a stable atmosphere with suitable conditions for life, such as oxygen and water, and shielding the surface from the planet's harsh radiation. It would be a massive undertaking to make Venus hospitable for life as we know it.

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We would need extraordinary protection to survive and move about on the surface of Venus; it appears incredibly hostile to human life. We could only survive there with great difficulty, if at all, using current technology. Venus's surface is not only extremely hot, but also poisonous and crushed by high pressure. The clouds may afford a more survivable environment.

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This is one of those questions your teacher wants you to answer, not someone else. They want you to think about how you would be affected by the inventions. You need to find out what inventions Nikola Tesla created and decide for yourself how they would have changed your own life.

What would it be like to live on venus?

Living on Venus would be extremely challenging due to its hostile environment. Venus has a thick atmosphere of mainly carbon dioxide, with extreme temperatures reaching up to 900 degrees Fahrenheit (475 degrees Celsius) and crushing air pressure at the surface equivalent to being 3,000 feet (900 meters) underwater on Earth. The planet's surface is also covered in numerous volcanoes and no liquid water is present, making it inhospitable for human habitation.

Can a venus fly trap live on a desk?

As a potted plant, I say it is doubtful. They need to be kept wet constantly.

Do you need a dome to live on Venus'?

Well, venus is the hottest planet on the solar system. It has hot gasses. Which would make it...hard to live on venus. Most likely, your dome will melt. == == But there is an area 50km above the surface where the temperature and pressure are Earth-like, the winds circle the planet in 100-hour "days", and the gravity is just less than earth-like. Because the gases there are heavier than Earth's atmosphere, there is the possibility of "floating cities" kept in place and following the prevailing winds much like present day hot air balloons. Your bubble wouldn't need to be incredibly strong, but it would need to be resistant to sulfuric acid. See the Wikipedia article on the Colonization of Venus for more information.