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Q: What involves scientific ideas that affect your life?
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How is scientific notation used in daily life?

It usually isn't. Scientific notation is used for very large and very small numbers, that are not normally used in your daily life. Unless your "daily life" involves work in science or engineering.

The scientific inquiry model involves the presentation of real life scientific studies or A invitiations to enquiries B functional invitations C simulations D synectics Which is the correct answer?

ask the teacher ask the teacher

How do new scientific discoveries affect your every day life?

New discoveries affect our lives in that; we have more stuff that helps us do our daily activities faster and more efficiently. New discoveries also affect employment because they use machines to replace human employment.

Meaning of curiosity in scientific attitude?

Curiosity in a scientific attitude refers to the desire and drive to explore, question, and seek understanding about the world. It involves asking questions, conducting research, and being open to new ideas and discoveries. Curiosity is essential in science as it motivates scientists to investigate and push the boundaries of knowledge.

How do the ideas in the Dectaration of Independence affect your life?

HI HI HI hi hi how r u i like pie =D

What is the world overview that involves looking at social life in a scientific systematic way?

The overview that involves looking at social life in a scientific systematic way is sociology. Sociology examines social relationships, structures, and dynamics to understand how societies function and change over time. It uses various research methods to study phenomena such as social institutions, inequality, culture, and group behavior.

What is intellectual life?

Intellectual life refers to the cultivation and pursuit of knowledge, critical thinking, and ideas. It involves engaging with complex concepts, sharing and discussing ideas with others, and continuously learning and expanding one's understanding of the world. Intellectual life can encompass various disciplines and fields, and is often seen as central to personal and societal growth.

What is the scientific name for life in space?

The scientific study of life in space is known as astrobiology. It involves studying the potential existence of life beyond Earth, such as on other planets, moons, or even in other galaxies.

Being able to identify good sources of scientific information and apply the knowledge to problems in your life is a part of having what?

Scientific hypotheses

How do puritans ideas continue to affect life in US?

I think it was because part of our country's system of public education was modeled after puritan schools

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Botanist that is the name of a plant scientist

Where do the fray get there ideas from?

Real Life Events.... and ideas they have......