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So-called "fast vibrations" cause "high pitched" sounds. Very fast vibrations cause very high pitched sound. Slow vibrations cause low pitched sound. You get the picture. The "speed" of vibrations relates to the frequency of the sound that is produced by them.

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12y ago

The general name for non-repeating random irregular vibrations (sounds) of no stable frequency is called noise. In acoustics, various grades of noise are used to test the response of equipment and sound-stage environments. White noise is a random mixture of sound frequencies with equal power across the entire range of human hearing. Pink noise has less power as the frequency increases and so sounds rather softer than the "hiss" of White noise. Red noise (also called Brown or Brownian noise) has even less power at higher frequencies than Pink noise and sounds very much like heavy rainfall on a wooden roof.

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15y ago

Yes, they do. That's why on T.V., when they show something done really fast, their voices are high pitched.

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Which of the following sounds would be produced by fast weak vibrations

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All sound is caused by what?

Sound is caused by vibrations traveling through a medium, such as air or water. These vibrations are then detected by the human ear and interpreted as sound.

Is sound caused by an echo?

No, sound is not caused by an echo. Sound is created by vibrations that travel through a medium, such as air, while an echo is a reflection of sound waves off a surface that produces a repeated sound.

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Vibrations in the air caused by vibrations of the reed.

What is energy caused by vibrations in air or water?

Sound energy is caused by vibrations in air or water. These vibrations create waves that travel through the medium and are picked up by our ears as sound.

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What Energy caused by an objects vibrations?

Sound energy

How are sound made?

Simply put, sounds are made through vibrations in the air. We can translate these vibrations into sound because of our ear drums.

What energy is the energy caused by objects vibrations It travels waves?

Sound energy is the energy caused by objects' vibrations. Sound energy travels in waves through a medium such as air, water, or solids, carrying the vibrations produced by the object.

How do you generate power through sound?

Sound is caused by vibrations, and (at least experimentally) energy could be derived from the variance in transmitted vibrations.

What type of energy is caused by an object's vibrations?

Mechanical energy is caused by an object's vibrations. When an object vibrates, it possesses both kinetic and potential energy due to its motion and position during the vibrations.

Is thunder part of nature?

Yes, thunder is a natural phenomenon that occurs when lightning heats the air around it, causing it to rapidly expand and create a shockwave that we hear as thunder. Thunder is a common element of thunderstorms and is a result of the natural processes of the atmosphere.