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"Voglio imparare la lingua italiana, ma questa è l'unica frase che io conosca!"

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Q: What is 'I want to learn Italian but this is the only sentence I know' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'I want to learn Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

"I want to learn Italian!" in English is Voglio imparare l'italiano! in Italian.

What is 'Live and learn' when translated from English to Italian?

"Live and learn" in English is Vivere e imparare! ("To live and to learn!") or, as a command, Vivi e impara! in Italian.

What is 'Let's learn Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

"far imparare italiano" or "cerchiamo di imparare italiano"

What is 'You are trying to learn it' when translated from English to Italian with the verb 'imparare' for learning Italian?

"You are trying to learn it" in English is Cerchi di impararlo, Provi a impararlo or Tenti di impararlo when using the verb imparare about learning Italian (italiano) in Italian.

What is 'learn' when translated from English to Italian?

Imparare, Impara, Impari! and Imparate! are Italian equivalents of the English word "learn." Context makes clear whether one formal "you" (case 2), one informal "you" (examples 1, 3) or two or more "you all" (instance 4) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "EEM-pa-RA-rey," "eem-PA-ra," "eem-PA-ree" and "EEM-pa-RA-tey" in Pisan Italian.

Is the sentence right ' I think English fun to learn.'?

No. The sentence you are needing is "I think English is fun to learn" or "I think learning English is fun".

What is the word 'learn' when translated from English to Japanese?

Learn in Japanese is narau or manabu.To learn from is kangamiru.To learn by experience is koriru.

What is 'You want to learn Italian' when translated from English to Italian?

Vuoi imparare l'italiano! and Volete imparare l'italiano! are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You want to learn Italian!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciation will be "vwoy EEM-pa-RA-rey LEE-ta-LYA-no" in the singular and "vo-LEY-tey EEM-pa-RA-rey LEE-ta-LYA-no" in the plural in Pisan Italian.

When was he free from slave?

When you learn speak english? (Not a complete sentence.)

What is 'You live and learn' when translated from English to Italian?

Vivi e impari! and Vivete e imparate! are literal Italian equivalents of the English phrase "You live and learn!" Context makes clear whether one "you" (case 1) or two or more "you all" (example 2) suits. The respective pronunciations will be "VEE-vee ey EEM-pa-RA-rey" in the singular and "vee-VEY-tey EEM-pa-RA-rey" in the plural in Pisan Italian.

Which is easier to learn after studying English as the only second language - Italian or Spanish?

Well, Italian words are more similar to English, but Spanish grammar is easier for an English speaker. Italian: tavolo is Table in English, but mesa in Spanish. Italian: cane is Canine in English, but perro in Spanish. Italian: ritornare is To return in English, but volver in Spanish. Italian: spendere is To spend in English, but gastar in Spanish. Italian: cercareis To search in English, but buscar in Spanish. Italian: arrivare is To arrive in English, but llegar in Spanish. Italian: forchetta(for-Ket-tah) is Fork in English, but grabador in Spanish. Italian: pepe is Pepper in English, but pimienta in Spanish. Italian: carota is Carot in English, but zanharia in Spanish. Italian: piselliare Peas in English, but guisantes in Spanish. Italian: banana is Banana in ENglish, but platano in Spanish. Plus there are many Italian words in English. Cooking/food, musical, and ghetto terms can be found in English from Italian.

What were some problems when Charles atlas migrated us?

He was Italian, and needed to learn English.