

What is 'earth' in Italian?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What is 'earth' in Italian?
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The building material that means "baked earth" in Italian is called Terracotta!

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What is 'della terra' when translated from Italian to English?

"Earth's" and "the earth's" are English equivalents of the Italian phrase della terra. The preposition with feminine singular definite article and feminine singular noun translate literally into English as "of the earth." The pronunciation will be "DEL-la TER-ra" in Italian.

What is 'earth' when translated from English to Italian?

Terra is an Italian equivalent of the English word "earth." The feminine singular noun references the planet or the soil when beginning respectively with a capitalized or small-letter "t." The pronunciation will be "TER-ra" in Italian.

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Terra compatibile is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Earth-friendly."Specifically, the feminine noun terra means "Earth, earth, globe, land." The feminine/masculine adjective compatibile translates literally as "compatible" and loosely as "friendly, supportive." The pronunciation will be "TER-ra KOM-pa-TEE-bee-ley" in Italian.

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if im asking it how on earth do i no

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Troppo bella per la Terra is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "too beautiful for Earth." The pronunciation will be "TROP-po BEL-la per la TER-ra" in Italian.

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The Greek name for the planet Earth is Gi. The Latin name for Earth is Terrae and the Italian name is Terra.

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Salvatore della Terra.

What is 'new earth' when translated from English to Italian?

Terra nuova is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "new earth." The feminine singular noun and adjective may be preceded by the feminine singular definite article la("the") or indefinite una ("a, an"). The pronunciation will be "TER-ra NWO-va" in Italian.

What does terra mean in italian?

Terra is a word in Italian as well as Portuguese language. It means land, ground, soil, earth, homeland or clay.

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IF you did not know that then you must live in another planet and that is not earth.