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Del corpo umano

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Q: What is 'human body' when translated from English to Italian?
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What is 'The body of a women is beautiful' when translated from English to Italian?

"The body of a woman is beautiful!" in English is Il corpo di una donna è bello! in Italian.

What is 'beautiful body' when translated from English to Italian?

Bel corpo is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "beautiful body." The masculine singular adjective and noun also translate literally into English as "handsome body." The pronunciation will be "bel KOR-po" in Italian.

What is 'the body' when translated from English to Italian?

Il corpo is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the body." The masculine singular phrase may be used figuratively or literally. The pronunciation will be "eel KOR-po" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'body' when translated from English to Italian?

Corpo is an Italian equivalent of the English word "body." The masculine singular noun may be preceded immediately by the masculine singular il since Italian employs definite articles where English does not use "the." The pronunciation will be "KOR-po" in Pisan Italian.

What is 'polla' when translated from Italian to English?

"Spring" as a water body or source is a literal English equivalent of the Italian word polla. The pronunciation of the feminine singular noun will be "POL-la" in Italian.

What is 'vase' when translated from English to Italian?

Vaso is an Italian equivalent of the English word "vase."Specifically, the word functions as a masculine noun in its singular form. It means "vase" in the sense of a culinary receptacle and "vessel" in terms of the human body's circulatory system. Either way, the pronunciation remains "VA-zo" in Italian.

What is 'the parts of the body' when translated from English to Italian?

"The parts of the body" in English is le parti del corpoin Italian. The phrase represents a rare instance where English and Italian phrase or sentence structure resemble one another most recognizably. The pronunciation will be "ley PAR-tee del KOR-po" in Italian.

What is 'secret hair' when translated from English to Italian?

"Secret hair" is capelli segreti for hair on one's head and peli segreti for elsewhere on the body in Italian.

What is 'Ho bisogno di stringere il tuo corpo' when translated from Italian to English?

Ho bisogno di stringere il tuo corpo in Italian is "I need to hold your body" in English.

What is the word 'body' when translated from English to Japanese?

body : karadaa body : ichidanfigure(body) : taikeithe human body : jinshinYou may say 'karada.'

What is 'head' when translated from English to Italian?

Capo for a leader and testa for the body are Italian equivalents of the English word "head." The first-mentioned masculine singular noun references a "leader" while the second feminine singular noun refers to what is atop a body. The respective pronunciations will be "KA-po" and "TEH-sta" in Italian.

What is 'sexy body' when translated from English to Italian?

Corpo seducente and corpo sexy are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "sexy body." The respective pronunciations of the masculine singular noun and adjective -- which respectively translate literally by word order as "body sexy" and "body seductive (sexy)" -- will be "KOR-po SEY-ksee" and "KOR-po SEY-doo-TCHEN-tey" in Italian.