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progressive regeneration or reinnervation of the more proximal motor units during recovery ..seen in case of axonotomesis

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Q: What is 'motor march' in nerve injury?
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How can an injury to a peripheral nerve cause loss of both sensory and motor function?

An injury to a peripheral nerve causes loss of both sensory and motor functions since that specific part is supplied by the motor pathway such as spinothalalmic and corticospinal.

What is the function of a Tibial Nerve?

The Tibial nerve provides motor and sensory innervation to the posterior compartment of the leg and sole of the feet. Injury to the nerve could produce loss in flexion of the toes and feet.

Can a nerve Cell replace itself after injury?

One of two thing can happen (depending on just how damaged). If it is a sensory nerve, that will not carry sensory impulses to the CNS. You may have a numb feeling in a small area or a very large area. If it is a motor nerve, you may not be able to move a muscle (or a group of muscles). That really is paralyzed means.

Is vagus nerve a motor nerve?

its both motor and sensory

What is the motor point of a nerve?

The nerve motor points is a large muscle mass of shoulders, arms, and legs, striking with leg or hand. Some types of nerve points are superficial peroneal nerve motor point, tibial nerve motor point, common peroneal nerve motor point, and femoral nerve motor point.

What if a nerve dies how does effect the body?

A nerve can die due to various causes more commonly due to injury , reduced blood supply etc. There are 3 types of nerves 1) Sensory 2) Motor 3) Autonomous The function served by that nerve will be lost . For example if the sensory nerve is lost , the sensation in that part of the skin will be lost. Motor nerve, if cut , will lead to secondary atrophy of that muscle.

Do you still have a stretch reflex with a cervical nerve injury?

Yes, you may still have a stretch reflex with a cervical nerve injury.

What does motor nerve mean?

A motor nerve is part of the nervous system that moves muscles.

The same as a motor nerve?

A motor nerve is connected to a muscle or gland and causes it to work.

What is the opposite of motor nerve?

A motor nerve falls under the category of efferent nerves, its opposite would be an afferent nerve, usually called a sensory nerve.

What causes motor nerve damage?

pulling on the nerve

What nerve is a mixed cranial nerve that conducts sensory impulses from and motor impulses from and motor impulses to the thoracic and abdominal viscera?

vagus nerve