

What is -224C into feirheit?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is -224C into feirheit?
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Is there any possibility of life on Uranus?

There is not a high possibility of life on Uranus, it is very cold -224C on its average.

The planets ordered from coldest to hottest?

"Uranus -224c,Neptune -218c,Saturn -175c,Jupiter -145c,Earth 7.2,Mars 30c,Venus 460c,Mercury 465c." This is actually incorrect. Mercury is not hotter than Venus. Yes Mercury is closer to the sun than Venus. However, Venus has a thicker atmosphere than Mercury.

What is characteristic of Uranus?

Uranus has the coldest atmosphere at -224C on average. Something that is unique about Uranus is that it has 22 moons. Also, it rotates on its side instead of upright.There are two odd things about the rotation of Uranus. Firstly it is tilted at 98o or 8o past horizontal (it rotates on its side). It also rotates backwards compared to the other planets except for Venus that also rotates backwards.

Can you use solar energy all the time?

Solar energy can only be captured when the sun is shining, but there are ways of storing this heat so it is available for use during the night.For example:Batteries can store electricity.Water can be pumped up into dams and released during the night.Molten salt (this is being used with solar tower technology) can be heated to over 435F (224C) during the day. This method stores enough heat to provide 24 hour power.

What Planet is known as the cold giant gas?

In our solar system, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are all referred to as gas giants, although the title "ice giant" is often applied to Uranus and Neptune due to the presence of ices in their atmospheres. All of these planets are rather cold by our standards, ranging from -150C to about -224C. The coldest measured is Uranus even though it is not furthest from the sun, because of a mechanism by which it is believed to have dissipated heat into space.

What is the temperature range of the planet Uranus?

-214 degrees Celsius to -205 degrees Celsius.

What is the area of radius of Uranus?

Planet Uranus has a surface area of 3.121 billion sq miles (8.083 billion km²).

What is the coldest planets in order?

Pluto held the distinction of being the coldest planet until it was reclassified as a dwarf in 2006. Which is "coldest", depends on whether you want extreme (the coldest recorded/estimated) or mean (average) temperatures. It also depends on whether you're recording upper atmosphere or surface temperatures. For example, Jupiter's surface temperature is about 20C, which is about "room temperature". Its upper-atmosphere temperature can dip to -145C. Also, a planet such as Mercury can vary from -184C to 465C, due to its slow rotation (e.g. the "dark side" gets no sunlight for long periods of time). Scientists generally measure the cold extreme by the upper atmosphere temperatures. Going by the lowest-recorded or lowest-estimated upper-atmosphere temperature, the ranks are: Uranus (-224C), Neptune (-218C), Mercury (-184C on the side not facing the sun), Saturn (-175C), Jupiter (-145C), Mars (-140C), Earth (-89C), and Venus. Some scientists rank Neptune first. Going by mean/average temperature is trickier, since some planets have relatively warm surface temperatures, and since variance on some planets (e.g. Mercury) is extreme. A rough guess by mean temperature would be to simply rank the planets by their distance from the sun, inverting Mercury and Venus. Note that Neptune's coldest upper-atmosphere temperature is nearly the same as that of Uranus, which is over 1.5 billion miles closer to the sun, while Jupiter's temperature approximates Mars, which is over 300 million miles closer. This is due to Neptune and Jupiter being "gas giants", which gives them an internal heat source.