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Q: What is 0215 military time in 12 hour time?
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What is the difference in calculating military and civilian times?

military time is in 24 hour increments, civilian time is in 12 hour increments labeled am/pm.

What time is it if in military time its 15.05?

1505 on the 24 hour clock (as used by the military and others) is 3:05 p.m. on the 12 hour clock.

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The military time 1436 is: 02:36 PM (12-hour clock notation), and is 14:36 (24-hour clock notation).

How can you change a Sharp SPC900 Atomic Clock from Military Time to 12 hour format?

Press the down button on the back of the clock to go between 12 hour & 24 hour.

What is 1230 AM. in military time?

12:30 am in military/24 hour time is 0030 hours. NB 12:30 am is 30 minutes past midnight.

What time is 1433?

2:33 pm- remember if it's pm, just add 12 to hour for military time. (2+12=14)

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What is military time for 1100 am?

11a.m. in military time is 1100 in USMC lingo, or 1100 hours if you are Army or Air Force. Note the civilian clock is a 12-hour clock, whereas military or European time is based on a 24-hour clock.

how do you read army time into real-time?

Convert military time by subtracting 12 hours, if the time is larger than 12:00, to get the 24 hour (standard time), then add “pm”.

1630 hours in military time is what normal time?

It is normal time. Most of the world uses the 24 hour clock, rather than the 12 hour clock. As far as the 12 hour clock would go, that would be 4:30 PM. Anything you see over 13:00, just subtract 12, and you'll get the time you would on a 12 hour clock (PM).

What time is 14.30 time in military time?

1430 military time is 2:30 pm civilian time. The time zone is often added; 1430 EST, PST, or whatever is appropriate. Note that military (and European) time is based on a 24-hr clock, as opposed to the civilian 12-hour clock.

How do you convert military 2152 hours to 12 clock?

It is 9:52 PM. Here's how:For military time, the left two digits are the hour, and the right two digits are the minutes. It is based on a 24 hour clock, so hour 0000 represents midnight and anything 0001 - 0059 is 12:01 AM to 12:59 AM. The hours 01 through 11 will convert to the same time (AM). At 1200 is noon, so 1201 - 1259 is 12:01 PM - 12:59 PM. After that, you must subtract 12 from the hour number, to get the hour on a 12 hour clock (and it will be PM). So 1 hour after noon is 1:00 PM, but the equivalent military time is 1300.So 21 is greater than 12, so subtract 12: 21 - 12 = 9. Since it's greater than 12, it's PM. The minutes are still the same, so 9:52 PM.