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an earth quake happens when two plates meet

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Q: What is 2 collision of 2 oceanic plates?
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Collision of a continental and oceanic plate causes this in the plates?


Where does oceanic and continental plates meet?

In a head-on collision, the oceanic plate subducts into the mantle.

What does the collision of a continental plate and an oceanic plate produce?

when two plates collide they form trenches.

What is a string of islands formed from a collision of two ocean plates?

A string of islands formed from a collision of two oceanic plates is called an island arc.

What happens when a plate gets subducted?

The colder, more dense plate is the one that subducts in a collision between two plates. In an oceanic to oceanic plate collision it is the older of the two plates that will subduct due to its higher density. In an oceanic to continental plate collision, it's the oceanic plate that will subduct because of its higher density.

When an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate which plate is subducted?

When an oceanic plate and a continental plate collide, the oceanic plate is always subducted. Oceanic plates are denser than continental plates, and they have a higher iron content. Since they are denser, oceanic plates always sink below the continental plate in the event of a collision.

What causes some oceanic plates to sink and others to float?

All oceanic plates float on top of the mantle, and sink into the mantle underneath a less dense plate in plate collision zones.

What types of mountains form when oceanic plates collide and slide under continental plates?

A Ocean-To-Continent Collision. A Volcanic Mountain Will Form.

What type of plates collided to form the Andes Mountains on the west coast of South America?

The Andes were a result of the collision of the Nazca Plate & the South American Plate.

Compare and contrast the three plate boundaries?

Oceanic-continental convergence (when an oceanic plate meets a continental plate) & oceanic-oceanic convergence (2 oceanic plates) both involve oceanic plates & subduction. Continental-continental convergence (2 continental plates) involves neither.

What does oceanic plates mean?

oceanic plates are plates that lies under the ocean. oceanic plates are plates that lies under the ocean.

What is oceanic plates?

it keeps the ocean and valcanos away from each other i think